PT.Catur Harapan Utama is general contracting company with a range of work areas of Bali and NTB
â € ¢ Meet the rights and obligations as citizens to participate in activities to promote the development of the nation' s growing so rapidly, especially lead to the development priorities in the economic sector, then the background that we take advantage of the opportunity to form a limited partnership which we give the name of PT. CHESS
HOPE KEY with notary certificates Amir Syarifuddin, SH 7 dated 4 February 1981, which then undergoes changes Deals with legal letter I Gede Semester Winarno, SH No.06 dated March 4, 2008 that mengambilbidangjasa K onstruksi T eknik.
â € ¢ In line with the rapid pace of national development in all fields, our company had come to develop capabilities, especially in terms of
services in the field of construction.
â € ¢ With an experienced and professional personnel and adequate equipment, our PT. CHESS HOPE MAIN ready to help serve the needs of the community and the government in responding to all the problems taskmaster who live in the area of Bali in particular and Indonesia in general.