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PT Tunas Mitra Sukses ( Jababeka Tahap 3 Cikarang-Bekasi)
PT Tunas Mitra Sukses ( Jababeka Tahap 3 Cikarang-Bekasi)

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Products Catalog

Dunnage Bag[Sep. 1, 2010 21:59:20]
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Dunnage bags or air bags are used to brace and secure loads in cargo, by sea, container, rail or road.
Advantages of using dunnage bags for your transportation.
1) Economical - The dunnage bag will provide savings when compared to other bracing techniques. Your dollar
savings can be easily calculated and compared with other systems or freight claim records. Although not all
loads are the same, it is not unusual to use a single dunnage bag to brace an entire load.
2) Reduces or eliminates Longitudinal movement or Cargo -Load shifting is the largest cause of transit damage.
By effectively bracing the load in place, damage is eliminated. Using a dunnage bag illustrates to your
customers you care that your load arrives safely.
3) Ease and speed of application - The dunnage air bags can be installed in a few minutes with little physical
labour involved. Compressed air does most of the work. The only equipment necessary are the air hose and
inflator tool
4) Easily deflated and recyclable - Inflated dunnage bag can be easily removed by puncturing with a sharp object,
or by unscrewing the valve cap for our recyclable bag option.

Dunage bag type 1Ply, 2ply & 4ply.
1. 1Ply : Loading presure up to 5ton, safety 2.5ton, persure upto : 0.1 bar
2. 2Ply : Loading presure up to 10ton, safety 5ton, persure upto : 0.2 bar
3. 4Ply : Loading presure up to 20ton, safety 10ton, persure upto : 0.3 bar

Width :
1. 60cm for GAP around 20cm
2. 80cm for GAP around 30cm
3. 100cm for GAP Around 40cm