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ITech Nano Propolis
We Opens Opportunities For Distributors / Agents all over Indonesia
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Purchase min 5 boxes IDR. 350.000, -/ box
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Purchase min 2 boxes IDR . 365 000, -/ box
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1 box of IDR. 375 000, -/ box
- Retail IDR. 125, 000, -/ btl
" Free Shipping Cost for Region JaBoDeTaBek and certain large kota2"
1. Propolis is using Nano Technology ( 1 per one billion) of successful
create a blend of Propolis with the Best Quality
2. Results Propolis Nano Tech racikannya make more clear, the smaller molecular
( Size molekiulnya = 1 divided by 1 billion) so easily absorbed by the body cells
3. Quickly react to Increase Health, Prevention,
Healing, and post-hospital rehabilitation.
4. Having extraordinary bioenergy
Substances that are contained nano Propolis:
Food Types:
1. Flavonoids
2. Routine
3. Enzyme
4. Polyherol
( OXFORD Univ Research USA, 1987)
Flavonoids FUNCTION:
There are 34 types of flavonoids in propolis which berfungi as:
1. Strengthen cell membranes, activate cell
2. Turning on cell death
3. Prevent tumor growth
4. Stabilize the nervous parasympatik / anti-stress
5. Anti-oxidant, preventing free radical threat
6. Contains vitamins ( A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B12, C, D, E)
7. Contain minerals
8. Protein ( amino acids)
( Research scientist of Japan, 1987)
Routine function as:
1. Stimulate the body to produce immunity ( immunity)
2. Strengthening cell walls
3. Strengthens blood vessel walls
4. Soften the blood vessels so that blood vessels more elastic
( Dr. Bent Havsteen, University of West Germany, 1987)
Enzymes function as:
Prevention of various diseases in humans
( Results of research at Oxford Univ, USA, 1987)
Polyheral function as:
Can stabilize emotions, making the soul becomes so relaxed and calm
( Oxford University, USA.87)
PROPOLIS Represents the Best Products for:
1. Unique
2. Speed Effect ( Quick Response)
3. No Range ( No Limits Age and Sex)
4. Multifunction ( Drugs In Body And outside of the Body)
5. Health Food ( Health Food For Healthy Or Being Sick)
6. No Expiration
7. No Side Effects.
The basic structure of the human body is a cell, all diseases in modern times was caused by a combination of cells that are weak and unhealthy, because:
- Infection fatogen: viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc.
- Non-Infectious: eg exposed to chemical pollutants, toxins, etc.
- Due to the aging process ( aging)
Helping process re pemudaan cells and strengthen the healthy cells, kills cancer cells by natural killer cells ( NK) , and anti-infective fatogen ( bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.) , remove toxins from the body.
Source: Prof. Dr. Sugeng Jowono / Teacher of the FK UGM
1. As an anti-fungus, Virus and Bacteria
Viruses multiply in the protein layer. Over this layer is not broken, then the harmful substances from the virus will not harm the human body. This protein layer can protect with the help Bioflavonoid.Penelitian terakhiir from The National Heart and Lung Institute in London showed that the bioflavonoids in propolis is able to destroy many bacteria are resistant to anti-biotic synthesis.
Propolis sensitive Staphyococcus, Streptococcus, E. Coli, viruses Ifluensa, Herpes, H. Pilori, Salmonella typhosa.Propolis also sensitive to the fungus that causes disease femininity ( whitish) exim.
2. Anti Oxidant
In all the body' s metabolic processes, especially the reaction with oxygen to form molecules that lack electrons ( unpaired) in the outer skin. These substances are called free radicals ( free radicals) are highly reactive and tends to attack the normal cells that can provide electrons.
If this teradi the normal cells will provide electrons will be cacat.Bila cells are not destroyed by the immune system, then the defective cells will cause various diseases in accordance with the position where the defective cells are in Antung will cause disease jantung.Begitu And when there is the lungs will cause lung disease and so on.
However besyukurlah us because GOD Almighty has prepared a substance in nature that voluntarily gives its electrons to neutralize free radicals is called anti-oxidants tersebut.Zat natural and one of them contained in Propolis are Vitamins A, C, E and natural enzymes like glutathione peroxydase ( GPS) , superoxida dismutate ( SOD) and catalase.
3. As an immune system stimulator ( immuno stimulator)
When the body' s immune system declines, for example in patients with AIDS, a lot happened destruction lymphocytes ( T4-Cell) , so that the patient eventually result infeksi.Begitu meninngal also with cancer patients in general have a weak immune system, due to toxin sitostatica danterapi tumor, radiation or surgery .
Immuno potent stimulator indirectly reactivate a low immune system by increasing non-specific immune responses, among others, with emphasis on Limfo-T4.NK-cells and macrophages stimulated and interleukin. The final effect of the complex reactions that are foreign substances that can be identified and destroyed, including cell; defects, viruses, and bacteria.
Bioflavonoids role in this process is enhancing the immune system work by increasing the activity and reproduce Limfo Macrophage-T and is very useful in destroying foreign substances in the body, such as fungi, viruses, bacteria and cell-free.
4. Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is the calcification of blood vessels by cholesterol contaminated by radical bebas.Kolesterol aringan largely transported from the liver through the blood vessels in the form of LDL cholesterol.
LDL cholesterol is oxidized by free radicals that are in the blood vessels to form oxy-LDL-LDL.Oksi is what settles on the walls of blood vessels and lead to Atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis is tidk treated will cause various diseases, such as high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and stroke.
5. Anti-Tumor
Tumor cells are a group of disabled / free suddenly become out of control, multiply rapidly and continuously.
Defects in these cells caused by anti-oxidant reduced the body to protect cells from free radical attack
6. As an Anti-Prostaglandin
Stopping the inflammatory activity by inhibiting prostaglandin expenditure ( hormone that causes an inflammatory reaction) .
This effect works in cases of rheumatoid arthritis penyakitr ( rheumatoid arthritis, gout) , nephritis and others.
7. Helping The regeneration of liver cells
Cirrhosis Hepatitis is a disease of the liver with the criteria:
1.Matinya liver parenchymal cells
Actively 2.Pembentukan connective tissue
3.Proses impaired liver cell regeneration.
Propolis, helping the regeneration of liver cells to work well and improve the immune system to eat the liver cells are already dead so it can reduce the formation of connective tissue ( scar tissue) .
8. Diabetes mellitus ( diabetes)
Diabetes Mellitus is a disease characterized by increasing levels of sugar in the blood due to decreased insulin production.
Propolis stimulate the pancreatic cells to insulin so that active increase spending in the blood sugar levels can be normal.
Propolis pilori sensitive to the cause of ulcer disease and gastric ulcer ( stomach injury) , as well as against E. coli ( causes diarrhea) , and Salmonella typhosa ( typhoid causes)
Gastrointestinal 9.Gangguan
Propolis pilori sensitive to the cause of ulcer disease and gastric ulcer ( stomach injury) , as well as against E. coli ( causes diarrhea) , and Salmonella typhosa ( typhoid causes) ?
Respiratory 10.Gangguan
Propolis helps system pertahannan body fight chronic respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis, protects lung cells from radical damage bebas.Propolis also play a role in the treatment of asthma because of its performance as a bronchodilator ( dilate bronchus) , stabilizing mast cells and reduce expenditure Histamine.
Heart and Blood Vessel 11.Penyakit
Propolis can overcome the effects of free radicals on the heart, increasing cardiac pump power, prevent stiffness of blood vessels ( hypertension) , preventing the formation of Thrombi ( Stroke and Coronary Heart Disease)
12.Perawatan Injury
Propolis as a disinfectant bioflavonoids and vitamin C contained in it, is very important for wound healing by accelerating tmbuhnya new network.
13.Anti Stress
Propolis can suppress the parasympathetic nerve to express pleasure and to suppress fear, make relaxed, so helpful for people with mental disorders.
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