Coffee is an export commodity that was encouraging because it has relatively high economic value in domestic and world market, hence the coffee plant is one of the leading commodity. Indonesia became....
Technology tablets and mixing ( granulation compound) is useful in supporting local programs of fertilizer which is based on the specific conditions of appropriate soil fertility conditions and soil....
-Stevedoring-Trasportir-Surveyor cargo-Forwading Container-Product - Product Trading � � Etanol, Gas oil, Coal, Iron sand, Manganese, slade, Palm oil, Sheel slaide, Kernel expeller, Coconut expeller, ....
Tank Capacity : 15 Litres Working Pressure : 2 - 4 kg/ cm2 Nozzle : T-jet ( preferred Hollow Cone) Packaging : 40 cm x 21 cm x 52 cm Operating : Manual Hand Pumping
We serve Greenbean coffee luwak robusta original from lampung and sumatra selatan, Indonesia we open for small and large order for order: 0721-9966128 081977904428 email: chris.crador@ ....
we are as individual company such as commodity, promotion media & general trading
kitten are avaliable to adopt, their age betwen 3 until 3, 5 month, many colour that i have, all kitten are really funny, healty, just got them with call my cell phone 081279557594 or 087899120006 ( ....
we are consultant that related with sell iron and coal, if there another requested we can find it
copra expeler palm kernel expeler copra transpotasi manganase iron ore tapioca coal
Pride of Sumatra Agarwood/ Aquilaria Malaccensis. Most valuable trees seeds from Sumatran origin forest. To preserve and keep sustain production we present to you best A. Malaccensis Seeds to....
Organic Farming Company, started in year 2004.
Brown sugar is a sucrose sugar product with a distinctive brown color due to the presence of molasses. It is either an unrefined or partially refined soft sugar consisting of sugar crystals with some....
brown sugar suplier for individual, shop, and plant.
Jual Pasir Kuarsa/ Silica Sand Lampung kadar SIo2 90% up ( Sertifikasi Sucofindo)
About Coffee Luwak Harvested by the wild Civets, catlike beasts with bug eyes and weaselly noses that love their coffee fresh. They move at night, creeping along the limbs of Robusta and Arabica....
we have hatchery location at Kalianda, South of Lampung, Sumatera Iland, Indonesia. We selling seeds of cromileptes altivetis and price negotiate. For the information can email at rickydarmawan@ ....
Bamboo Gathering is my love match can be near my house. have a uniqueness which consists of two branches in a single bamboo.
anda perlu kendaraan sewa at lampung? ? MTP RENT A CAR solusi transportasi anda
anda perlu kendaraan sewa dilampung? ? ? MTP RENT A CAR solusi transprtasi anda
Green bean Kopi Luwak.Well guaranted of quality and production continueing. We can sell until 500 kilogram/ month.
We are a producer Kopi Luwak in West Lampung. Our Production continuously because we look have many Luwak and we are biggest producer coffee robusta in Lampung ( sumatera)
mindi wood sawn timber is a spesial wood for furniture. mindi wood from Indonesia country.
my company is trading. we sels cocoa beans, cpo, tea, sugar, coffee, vanili and rubber sheet.