This product has good quality, because it is very secure packaging and health and packaged using environmentally friendly technologies, so do not ever hesitate to buy our products.
This company was established based on the tasks assigned as a condition of graduation courses of international trade
CUMIRING PRICE: Rp 78, 000 we offer our products from a limb that is cumiring squid in round slices to resemble a ring so-called nutritional cincin.Kandungan cumiring or squid squid which is quite....
processed nutritious processed fish and add keke
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Crispy banding is a modern innovation snacks made from fish spines unplug added spice crispy flour so indulge tongue memakannya.Bandeng crispy created for lovers community ikan.Parsaingan market is....
products sold in the form of fishery products, ranging from product frozen until ready to eat products
your food will be delicious food with this product
our company have product of fishiery with cheap price
good food from us for our customer. this product is easy to cook
processed products of shrimp nutritional requirements and easy to cook
crispy milk is processed fish products are already difillet and crispy flour seasoned with glaze . crispy milk is very practical for consumers who do not have time to cook but want to eat fish . the....
" Fish and crab Food " is a company engaged in the processing of fisheries , providing a wide range of processed fish and frozen crab , high quality and economical price is a priority that we have to....
The processed products contain nutrients that corresponds to the content of squid which is able to maintain heart health , cancer prevention , and helping the growth of young children
Our company provides a wide range of processed fish to the state of the packaging in the form of a freezer . we try to offer this product as a first step to create a habit of eating fish all over the....
Trafo 20 KV ex Schneider / Starlite / Centrado
PLEASE contact me if you interest with my product of fisheries, you can sand short massage, invite me in bbm or visit in my blog
our company its sell many product of fisheries such us cumi flower, tengiri steak etc
an import dori fish fillet super size. weight : 1 kg price : IDR 70.000
ready to order many kind of fresh and frozen fish and seafood
cook shrimp are cooked shrimp without tails, this product according to you who have a busy schedule it is practical to process them without having to bother to peel again
Provides Some Frozen Food Products that clean and healthy
Fresh shrimp are animal foods commonly consumed by people of Indonesia. Fresh shrimp contains an energy of 91 kilocalories, 21 grams protein, 0.1 grams carbohydrates, 0.2 grams fat, 136 milligrams of....
provide some healthy fishery products and quality and can petrify improving nutrition in children