we are manufacture from indonesia produce wooden furniture with many kind of tropical wood.we usualy produce minimalist, colonial and garden furniture.
Round Lazy Chair with Leather. Lazy Chair Size : 63W x 100D x 10 H Cm Stool : 60W x 45D x 35 H Cm CBM unit : 0, 65 Wood: Teak Foam thickness: Back 60 mm Instead of 10 Cm Seater 40 mm Instead of 60....
Manufacture and exporter of quality design furniture combines with leather, cushion and rattan. For fully satisfaction and reflect customer needs, made by order modification as well as specification....
Sold the GPS Garmin iQue 3200... the goods of all new... we can give the special price for you....
jasa perdagangan on line dengan cara yang sangat simpel
Teak Garden Furniture products as steamer, we have stock and ready to shipment and export quality.
Indonesia Wooden Furniture Export, Teak, Mahogany, Teak Garden Furniture, Teak Indoor, Handycraft, Mirror, Beds Set, Dinnini Sets, Chair, Table, Drawer, Chest, Hallstand, Colonial teak
SMARTCHIP is technology nowadays becoming the part of cellular technology. Technological which formulated for the function of efesiensi cost for sellular communications. This technological attended....
Afaq Telecomm is peripatetic company in the field of Telecommunications with R& D Solution Telecommunications business core. Stand up since year 1999 in Solo Surakarta Central Java Since forming of....
Material for Engel' s statue is Jati wood size H : 18 cm X L: 35 cm X 18 cm the other Finishing and size depending order
SURYA PUTRA art' s creations are made by optimizing woods ( roots, braches) , without damaging or wasting natural forest. Through the importers from USA, English, Korea, China, Kuwait, Spain, Germany, ....
This Unique Stone WF just presented for you, available in many models and style.
We are Supplier for Retailers, Wholesalers, Importers, Contractors with their container needs of Quality HANDICRAFT, Especially in Vases and Stone.
D& G Sicily Perfume for Woman. 100ml. Suitable for night.
We are selling original perfume and cosmetics with very cheap price. All products are original international brands. We have the most complete collection of perfumery brands from A to Z, including....
Recycle machine or Pelletezing Machine or Caishen Machene
teak dining set with melamine finish. our custom design
Dear Sirs and Madams, We are an Indonesian company, manufacturing, and exporting of indoor ( home furniture) and outdoor ( garden furniture) , especially on teak wooden furniture which has been in....
Dear Buyer, We are Gloria Store is manufacturer and supplier of wooden handicraft. We offer wooden products to any country in the world. Our products consist of : -wooden vases -wooden candle....
$ GLORIA STORE $ We are Indonesia company that focus for supplier and manufacturer of wooden handicraft. Our product consist of : wooden vases, wooden candle holders, wood furniture, wooden....
Manufacturers of handmade antique reproduction furniture made of solid mahogany wood from Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia.
Rajahe in Box Packing in the catalog pictures is instant ginger beverage that is made from 100% fresh ginger, screwpine, lemongrass and sugar. All is 100% natural, NO preservatives, chemical or....
We' re working in printing, packaging, card, paper, stationary, plastic scrap, and instant ginger beverage with brand name ' RAJAHE' We' re looking for long term partner, importer, distributor, and....
Benchmade, Linder Solingen, Kabar, SOG, Cold Steel, Newton, dll
The MDS 7000 Series is a primary function lobby or TTW CD that offers cash dispensing and account-based transactions from a secure, compact footprint making it the CD of choice for branch and....
MDS Indonesia is Authorized Distributor Mercuries Data Systems, Ltd Taiwan. Established in 1976, Mercuries Data Systems is a sister company of Mercuries as well-known.publicly listed corporation.....