Opened " Kedai Kandang Kambing" , enjoy the sensation of fresh goat' s milk processed directly from the farm. Alternative culinary tourism in Yogyakarta, located in the area Merapi Mountain ( south....
We are " Suka As-Shifa" Dairy Farm, located in the hamlet Wonokerso, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta ( south of Merapi Museum) . The resulting product: Fresh Goat Milk ( Raw and....
1. Tower a. Self supporting tower a.1. SST 4 .... Pusat JOGJAMEDIA.NET DHECYBER.NET INDIKA.NET Yogyakarta Jakarta Jakarta JOS.NET DNET.NET INDO.NET Jakarta Jakarta Pusat Jakarta Pusat ....
Tower Our production has been widely used by leading Internet proveder JABODETABEKdan several cities in Indonesia, with our experience in producing quality is always our guard tower. For....
Get visit Indonesia! ! ! Recognize the typical culture of Yogyakarta, a city that was still thick with elements of the kingdom and save the historic relics. two sides of either culture or....
NUSSA Tour Organizer under the auspices CV.NUSSA engaged in the Travel Bureau, Cafe, and taxi. We already have a license with tax ID number: 31.354.581.6-623.000. Nussa Tour Presenting a different....
Bali Rayon Long Dresses Design, manufacture, and wholesale it .We currently sell to Indonesian Market with thousands of dresses in a month . Our product also can be found in many of Dress market....
Bali Home Manufacture Clothing Wholesaler. Bali Dresses Home Manufacture wholesaler
Beds or cots Ravana. Size 180x200cm. Material .... Sukabumi, Karanganyar, Sragen, Boyolali, Sukoharjo, Yogyakarta, Gunungkidul, Wonosari, Magelang, Cilacap, Banjarnegara, Wonosobo, Semarang, Salatiga....
The smallest unit is called Enforcement Support .... shelves. An example is the name of the shelves MAN Yogyakarta II is the " Sri Sultan HB IX" ( shelves Son) and " Nyi Ageng Serangi" ( shelves.... is the largest online scout shop in Indonesia which offers products with price and kuliatas terbaik.dicari agent throughout Indonesia.
this woodden statue was build and created by artist who graduated from ASRI Yogyakarta, Indonesia. size : length 120 cm width 23 cm
Our company have antique, handycraft, painting, meubel old and repro and we also serve the Keris or javanese sword
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bisnis murah, distributor, Kripik Pedaz, kripik setan, peluang usaha, reseller, usaha, bisnis murah, distributor, Kripik Pedaz, kripik setan, peluang usaha, reseller, usaha, agen maichi, maichi, agen....
A revolutionary exercise device that can perform .... paradise. 119 Lor Mancasan Condongcatur Depok Sleman Yogyakarta....
cv. bismilah is a company engaged in the sale of fitness equipment is located in Yogyakarta. product offered is official and warranty.
AERIALPHOTOASIA â € “ SPECIALIST AERIAL PHOTO, .... Palembang Padang Riau Bengkulu Jakarta Bogor Bandung Solo Yogyakarta Surabaya Bali Lombok Sumbawa Sumba Samarinda Balikpapan Pontianak Banjarmasin....
JASA FOTO UDARA AERIALPHOTOASIA â € “ SPECIALIST .... Palembang Padang Riau Bengkulu Jakarta Bogor Bandung Solo Yogyakarta Surabaya Bali Lombok Sumbawa Sumba Samarinda Balikpapan Pontianak Banjarmasin....
Original hand made quality cigars from Yogyakarta Indonesia Lenght 7 Ring gauge 28 Packing 50
Our distribution company of quality tobacco and cigar exports. For Cigar include: Roro Mendut, Duke, the Ramayana, and Senator Victor Mundi our pruduk original handmade in various sizes
Producer and Selling Award, Trophy, Plaque, .... Wonocatur Gg Kenari No.6 Gedong kuning, Banguntapan, Yogyakarta. Telp. : 0274 - 412472 Hp. : 081328029729, 081904212169 email : satu_ souvenir@ ....
Jual dan bikin Trophy, Award, Gift, Souvenir, .... Wonocatur Gg Kenari No.6 Gedong kuning, Banguntapan, Yogyakarta. Telp. : 0274 - 412472 Hp. : 081328029729, 081904212169 email : satu_ souvenir@ ....