Alat bantu pembayaran ( mesin kasir) yang dapat digunakan di toko, restourant, kafe butik, apotik, bengkel, dan lain-lain. mesin kasir yang dapat juga di hubungkan dengan mini printer( printer kasir) ....
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material leather, paint of batik, strong & best design Size : 38-39-40-41-42
Bio-ethanol engines: - Fermentation tank 1 piece capacity 500 liters - Boiler capacity of 600 liters - Distillation can produce 50 liters bioetanol content of 85% can be increased Fuel : -....
Standing and active since the era of President Suharto' s 80-year move in an economic populist, under the guidance of cpc. Imam N. has been helping make a breakthrough innovation to help many people.....
silver pendant with lapislazuli stone, the material silver 925, good polising and design uptodate
Digital printing( indoor, outdoor) Baliho, Banner, Rontex, Latter timbul , sticker. Banner/ spanduk mulai : Rp 14.000/ m
Rafting River / Kali Elo Location: Kec. Mungkid, Magelang regency Starting point: Village Blondo, Kec. Mungkid kab. Magelang ( Blabak, Muntilan) Fisnish Point: Mendhut Village, Kec. Mungkid, ....
G-Zone Transport is one of its subsidiary companies incorporated in CV.Global Zone Group. We have good experience in fleet procurement for the company' s business interests, Commerce as well as for....
Batik Pekalongan is one of famous batik from Indonesia. We sell the high quality of Pekalongan Batik such as Shirt, Blouse, Longdress, Seckdress etc.
Anazura Batik, Bedsheet and Bedcover is an online trading business that sells products batik Pekalongan, Bedsheet Anazura, Mylove, Kintakun, Belladona and Internal. Items that be sold in Anazura Shop....
Diamond Lace Veil Please visit here http: / / category/ product/ kerudung-renda-permata/
We produce high quality veil, made to order. You can order in every color, each in unlimited quantity which highly profitable for reseller selling based on unique customers' purchasing power. We....
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undangan unik, undangan pernikahan unik, undangan pertemuan, undangan pernikahan, undangan manten, wedding invitation, wedding card, wedding invitation card, wedding card making HARD COVER WEDDING....
Inline Media is a Jogjakarta based agency which specializes in design and development of wedding card/ wedding invitation, corporate identity, publishing and packaging. We place quality and customer....
luggage with textile/ canvas covered. materials, textile, thick paper and local assesories. workshop at Muja muju Yogyakarta - Indonesian.
we made to order luggages leather and suitcases with export quality. 90% handmade. samples of product on blog
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Shopping bags in various forms of design, size, and finishing. Price according to your budget, the neat and timely ...
We are a printing company, which has stood since two years ago, the media engaged in indoor and outdoor promotions, as well as other printing menida such as print brochures, wedding invitations and....
pigura ini sangat cocok untuk souvenir pernikahan, seminar, gathering,
In Omah Souvenir, you will have a recollection of wedding to the shape and unique materials. you get in any place. Omah Souvenir remembrance will always be to innovate in products offered to maintain....