KX-TS620 - Digital Answering Machine - Caller ID Compatible - Caller ID Memories ( 50 Entries) - 3 Station One Touch Dialer - Navigator Key for Easy Operation - Call Restriction & Dial Lock -....
Here is a glimpse of information about our products: Sound Suppression Purposes + Heat & Heater Element: Glasswool, rockwool: Tombo & Roxul, Keramikwool / Ceramicwool Aluminum Sheet, Jacketing....
More than 90% of world industrial production of urea is destined for use as a nitrogen-release fertilizer. Urea has the highest nitrogen content of all solid nitrogenous fertilizers in common use.....
We are a chemical supplier located at Lippo Cikarang. We supply industrial, food, and water treatment chemical such as alumunium sulphate, amonium chloride, hidrogen peroxide, hydrofluoric acid, ....
We manufacture and sell Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic ( FRP) Storage Tank for water, waste water and or chemical. We offer various FRP Tanks : 1. Horizontal Fiberglass Tank 2. STP Fiberglass....
Welcome to PT. RECKAT COMPOSITES DELMIMA. PT. RECKAT COMPOSITES DELMIMA was established and incorporated with the intention of providing high quality Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic ( FRP) products.....
1. R : Relay output T : Transistor SINK( NPN) output J Transistor SOURCE ( PNP) output 2. 2 built-in RS232 port U built-in USB port ( non-standard) 3. AC 100~ 240VAC power supply ....
PT. Lestari Inti Utama established in 1991, which operates in the field of trading and distributing as well as assembling and provides repair services of various industrial Automation Systems. Since....
Crude Eugenol is extracted from Crude Clove Leaf Oil. Eugenol content minimum 98% .
CV. Rasayana Wangi is an Indonesian company specialized on the production and trading of 100% natural, high quality essential oils. The company was founded in 2009 and is located in West Java. Our....
Extension Fork for small type, extension fork for midle type, extension fork for high type. extension fork
Emulations Olivetti Standard, IBM PP & X24 Optional: IBM 4722/ 9068, IBM PP & X24 WINCOR 4915, EPSON LQ 2550 UNISYS EFP series Resolution 240 x 360 dpi OLIVETTI S.P.A. VIA JERVIS 77 10015....
CV. RDV INDO PRINT Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang passbook printer dan banking equpment ( peralatan perbankan) ada beberapa cabang: jl. bintara IV no.4 bekasi jl. singosari raya D1 Bandung ....
Specification : Model No. : GCD2-28D L x W x H mm : 445x220x200 Cutting Thickess mm : 0.8-28 Cutting Speed mm/ min : 50-6500 Max. Dia. Of Circle Cutting mm : 160-2000 Supply....
SENTRA TEKNIK UTAMA Komp. Sentra Bisnis Blok SS 9 No.9, Jl Harapan Indah Raya-Bekasi 17132 Telp. : 021-888 66264, 021-7081 0505 Fax. : 021-88866264 HP : 0821 132 62 123/ 0817 641 4926/ ....
The Hach model 2200 PCX is the first particle counter designed specifically to meet the unique requirements of water treatment. The model 2200 PCX can be integrated into your plant control system, ....
PT Global Haditech was established in Jakarta, Indonesia to fulfill any rapid development of diverse modern industry request. Since 1995, we are an instrument and industrial supplier that work....
Lorentz PV modules Lc Series High efficiency PV modules ( -3 - + 10 % tolerance) : LC 120-12P , LC185-24M
Solar Energy, Solar Panel, Solar pump, Swimming Pool , water process application
Jacket Motorcycle, Special For Touring , Water Proof, Safety for Rider
we sell a wide range of cubicle schneider, ABB, Siemens, Tamco and can assemble to order contact us at 082122448000 or 081510288885 or visit our website www.trafomajujaya.com or http: / / ....
- Water Strider 6.5hp driven by HONDA GCV-190 - Water Strider 11hp driven by HONDA GXV-340 - Water Strider 13hp driven by HONDA GXV-390 - Optional floating pump driven by Bright & Stratton engine
PT. OFFSHORINDO | Offshore Equipment | Fire Safety | Fire Product | Fire Pump | Fire Engine | Centrifugal Pump | Floating Pump Water Strider | Dividing Breeching WYE | Fire Nozzle Protek | Fire....
Mesin Mixer 1 M3 Mesin Mixer Untuk mencampur bahan semen, pasir dan kimia mesin-mixer-bataringan Mixer kapasitas 1m3= P180 x L92 L x T140 cm Mixer Kapasitas 1m3= P 215 x L 92 x 140 cm Mixer....