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Model: 40ACU/ 004-2 Typically, enclosure cooling unit are installed on the roof of control cabinet ( Roof type) and are better at distributing air than the ones installed on the unit' s side ( Panel....
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Need of Cooling Unit The electrical devices and electronic equipments that have been installed inside the control box will generate heat during the operation time. The increasing of heat inside the....
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Model: 20ACU/ 003 Its design in simplistic and it works wonders. It can be operated continously 24 hours a day. 365 days a year in ambient temperatures of 35-50pC without any breaks. This proves the....
Model 14ACU/ 005 Capacity ( W) 300 Installation type panel Input single-phase ( V.) 220V+ 20% / -15% Characteristics ( under normal operating condition at ambient temp. + 35 230v+ 15% / -15% ....
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Assalamulaikum wr wb Thank God we prayed praise and gratitude to Allah SWT and sholawat and greetings we lavished upon our prophet Muhammad lord who has given instructions to us to be able to....