Even if voltage is mistakenly applied to the resistance range, the internal excessive voltage protection element ( PTC thermister) protects the circuits for up to 600 V AC. The HAND STRAP not only....
Using the external output functions of the 3284 or 3285 in combination with a HIOKI Memory HiCorder enables recording of current and frequency fluctuations and recording and harmonic analysis of....
So many people Hate me n Love me for the exact same reasons. This is all the proof I need that my opinion about myself is the only opinion I should ever care about.
Bagi anda yang berada di bali yang memiliki rencana untuk menata interior rumah, kantor, villa dan hotel. Kami melayani jasa pemasangan wallpaper, lantai vinyl, parquet kayu dan lainnya untuk....
Cash Register SHARP XE-A307 Cash register is equipped with an SD card slot. SD card ( 4GB to 32GB) . This machine can be used to support various types of data, including daily sales and....
The new Fluke 772 and 773 Milliamp Clamp Meters join the Fluke 771 to deliver a comprehensive range of test and measurement capabilities. Now technicians in process plants, industrial plants, ....
If you need more time in your busy day take a good look at the Fluke 771 mA Clamp Meters. Itâ € ™ s designed to save you time, and money, by eliminating time wasting activities. Now you can....
If you need more time in your busy day take a good look at the Fluke 773 mA Clamp Meters. Itâ € ™ s designed to save you time, and money, by eliminating time wasting activities. Now you can....
Milliamp process clamp meters can measure mA signals without breaking the loop. The popular Fluke 771 mA Clamp Meter saves time by making fast, accurate measurements on 4-20 mA signal loops without....
The new Fluke 381 does everything you would expect from a clamp meter, and then lets you remove the display for even more flexibility. Now one technician can do jobs that used to require two people.....
Unique Carpet & Deco Bali bergerak dalam bidang Distribusi penjualan material ke toko / supplier dan pengerjaan proyek karpet & bahan Dekorasi / interior . Khususnya untuk proyek perumahan, hotel, ....
Typewriter ROYAL R13 DLX Specification : Manual Typewriter Royal R 13 Dlx is how to use the machine manually, so the savings of electricity, and how to use is very easy. Suitable for use when....
IEC 61010 safety features including a tactile barrier and special jaw design provide the user with confidence when making measurements in hazardous voltage areas. Conformance to EMC standards ensures....
Typewriter ROYAL R-305 Specification : Type: Portable Buttons: 44 Characters: 88 Paper size: , 9.5 Font: Pica & Elite Pitch: 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 Dimensions: 32 x 33.5 x 10.5 cm 1 YEAR....
Confidently take reliable readings with the True-rms, Fluke 355 and 353 digital clamp meters; the tools of choice for high current clamp-on amp meter measurement up to 2000 A. The extra-wide jaw....