Bran as livestock feed. Super quality is still new and many groats. Bran derived from Kebumen. We can send to Jogja, Purworejo, Purwokerto and surrounding areas.
Serawai Agro is a company engaged in the trade. Products on offer include plantation, agricultural, and forest products. The results consist of coffee plantations, oil palm, kakau, chocolate, nut.....
delivery of goods expedition from Jakarta to Bengkulu, lubuk Linggau and Curup. Indonesia
Our sale coffee robusta bean from sumatra with any tipe of grade. Including coffee robusta powder for US$ 3.5/ kilograms with the mark is HAINAM.
Sulaiman cherished degree makes you more precious in the eyes of people
This company is engaged in: sale of raw stone material. selling goods such as: stone ring. pendant earrings / studs. bracelet. stone carving. And serve a large party.
We have anguilla marmorata in many size. We can sell fresh or frozen. This is we got from sumatra indonesia.
We sell some kind of fish specialy sidat ( anguilla) . We can sell fresh and frozen anguilla.
Our company' s sales services supplier of coal in Bengkulu province of Sumatra Indonesia. cur there are plenty of quality coal from 6.8 to 7 calories. and look for companies in and outside the....
9mataaiR is a company engaged in the service. its motto is successful is a must..
Civet Coffee Arabika is the civet coffee " penangkaran" from Kabawetan Village, kabupaten kapahyang, province Bengkulu.
Our company producing coffee mongoose from the Sumatran coffee plantations.
Our company producing civet coffee from the Sumatran coffee plantations.
NPK KELAPA SAWIT Nitrogen ( N) 12, 54% , Phospat ( P205) 20, 00% , Kalium ( K20) 12, 63% , Kadar Air 0, 74% IZIN DEPTAN G314/ DEPTAN-PPI/ VII/ 2007 SUCOFINDO
The great 1000 gr wild civet coffee ecxelent tasted harder than arabica.
kopi luwak / CIVET COFFEE BINTUHAN SUMATRA, berasal dari pengumpulan jaringan perkebunan kopi kami. TErletak di dalam hutan bukit barisan dengan ketinggian 1ooom/ dpl. dengan luas areal = 5oha. ....
offered a shop unit with the following specifications: 1. consists of three floors 2. land size 25 x 5 m 3. building size 17 x 5 m 4. floors 2 and 3 for swallow nest and were filled ( harvest) ....
serve a variety of needs of buying and selling houses, cars, antiques, fishery products, agricultural products
Batu Hias motif gambar naga merah putih ( motif abstrak )
Mainboard ASROCK G31M-VS, Processor Intel Original, DDR 2 V-Gen PC 5300 1GB, Casing E-TECH 450Watt, Harddisk 80GB Sata Seagate, DVDRW Samsung, Vga Shared 128 MB, Sound On board, Keyboard, ....
Below are our products, feel free to choose which suitable with your purpose. 1. Raw kopi luwak Price : $ 40 / 100gr This Package contains dried, odorless raw luwak coffee. Itâ € ™ s ideal for DIY....
buy our Kopi Luwak Coffee are 100% collected from the wild, NOT collected from farmed civet ! Our Luwak Coffee is the real kopi Luwak. We have a direct connection with the people who are....
1. Raw kopi luwak Harga : Rp 285.000 / 100gr + Free ongkos kirim seluruh Indonesia Price : $ 40 / 100gr This Package contains dried, odorless raw luwak coffee. Itâ € ™ s ideal for DIY-fans who wants....
we have" kopi luwak " original from cofee who production with fermentation the civet at gardens cofee only from farmers at the jungle Sumatera Island - Indonesia, Propince Bengkulu
we offer cow leather soles, leather sapai jg raw cow type bali. We offer buffalo skin jg we offer a price of peace
ALAMM170507 offers a variety of objects / commodities or goods that are unique and ghoib and rare