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  • Antena GSM/CDMA

    Antena GSM/ CDMA

    Rp 145.000,- (h.partai=nego)

    An antenna for receiving GSM or CDMA signal for celluar phone. Looking for new reseller agent, in Asia.
    Up to 15.7 % profit earning from this product for agent.

  • Alarm Utk Rumah

    Alarm Utk Rumah

    mulai Rp 150.000,-

    This alarm is an early emergency signing and security product. Consist of sensor, I/ O, Processing Unit, and Siren/ Lock. With dual power supplies system AC and DC, so it wouldn' t....

  • Rider SMART alarm system

    Rider SMART alarm....

    Rp 13.000 - Rp 18.000

    A motorbike security system, sounds very loud alert signal and automatically locks the ignition system so the engine can' t run, when the theft trying to take your motorbike

  • Optical Switch-Saklar Cahaya

    Optical Switch....

    Rp 25.000 - Rp 75000 (USD 2.5 - USD 7.5)

    adjustable optical switch, wide applicable.
    can be used as alarm sensor, outdoor lamps switch ( street, park, building) , photographics sensor, etc.
    automatically turn-on the lamps in the....

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