Jual PIE Model 512S RTD Calibrator , Hub : Bp. Sinaga, Telpn/ Fax : 021 4704719, Hp : 0815 1311 6206 ; 021 93 800 487 ; 08 2124 167 067[Mar. 3, 2011 23:08:34]
PIE Model 512S
RTD Calibrator
With Auto Stepping
General Specifications:
( Unless otherwise indicated all specifications are rated from a nominal 23 ° C, 70 % RH for 1 year from calibration)
Temperature Range -25 to 60 ° C ( -10 to 140 ° F)
Relative Humidity Range
10 % FRH F90 % ( 0 to 35 ° C) , Non-condensing
10 % FRHF 70 % ( 35 to 60 ° C) , Non-condensing
Size 4.9 X 3.15 X 1.82 inches ( 125.5 X 80 X 46.2 mm)
Weight 9.1 oz ( 258 grams)
Battery 9V Alkaline provides 45 hours of continuous use
Low battery indication with nominal 1 hour of operation left
Protection to 60V for up to 30 seconds in duration
High contrast graphic liquid crystal display with 0.357� ( 9.07 mm) high digits
Resolution ° C or ° F / 0.01 3
Span 0.00-400.00 3
Accuracy ± ( 0.015 % of 3 + 0.05) 3 ( see accuracy tables for temperature error)
Temperature Coefficient ± 0.01 % of span in W/ ° C ambient
RTD Simulation Specifications:
Allowable Excitation Current 100 µ A to 10.2 mA, steady or pulsed/ intermittent/ smart
for accuracies below 100JA add ± 10µ V/ Excitation Current ( units are in 3)
Pulsed Excitation Current Compatibility DC to 0.01 second pulse widths
RTD Read Specifications:
Excitation Current 1 mA nominal
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