Indomonster Priority 16th Year
sell used Seagate ST373405LW Cheetah 73LP - 73.4GB Ultra2 SCSI Low Voltage 68-Pin 10, 000RPM Hard Drive * Integrated Ultra/ Ultra2/ Ultra3 SCSI controller * Multimode SCSI drivers and receivers— single-ended ( SE) and low voltage differential ( LVD) * 16-bit I/ O data bus * Asynchronous and synchronous data transfer protocol * Firmware downloadable via SCSI interface * Selectable even byte sector sizes from 512 to 4, 096 bytes/ sector * Programmable sector reallocation scheme * Flawed sector reallocation at format time * Programmable auto write and read reallocation * Reallocation of defects on command ( post format) * Enhanced ECC correction capability up to 240 bits * Sealed head and disc assembly * No preventative maintenance or adjustment required * Dedicated head landing zone * Embedded servo design * Self diagnostics performed when power is applied to the drive * 1: 1 Interleave * Zoned bit recording ( ZBR) * Vertical, horizontal, or top down mounting * Dynamic spindle brake * 4, 096 kbyte data buffer ( 16, 384 kbytes on LCV and LWV models) * Hot plug compatibility ( Section lists proper host connector needed) for LC/ LCV model drives * Drive Self Test ( DST)
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