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    Lebanon VS Israel,  Tidakkah Kita Mau Mengambil Pelajaran?

    Lebanon VS Israel, Tidakkah Kita Mau Mengambil Pelajaran?

    Rp 24.900
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    What we feel when seeing brother - our brother was groaning in pain, fought in the battle to uphold dienullah? Our hearts hurt as brother - our brother wounded. We feel the pain will hurt they feel. What' s seen lately, we hear and read about what happened in Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq previously. Surely move the hearts of every Muslim, arouse their soul to see, pay attention, to feel and what it needs by helping Unfortunately, that happened in Lebanon in particular. Where Israel is clear that shed the blood of the Muslims. Jews, is that those who most strongly against the Muslims. Their blood is full of betrayal - betrayal. Allah says " Indeed you will get a very hard man hostility to people - people of faith, namely the Jews ..." Let alone a greater sin than men - men who have killed people - people who invite people to worship. But why sometimes we are very pleased to be disasters - disasters that befall them. Does everyone who were hostile to Jews, meaning Jews who fight our brothers. My brother ... let us ponder together, what and how should we act. Get the answer is only in this pep VCD!

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