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    Kapsul Sarang semut

    Kapsul Sarang semut

    Rp 89.900
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    Specification :

    Ant capsule is made of genuine choice of raw materials and processed hygienically Papua. Quality guaranteed. and also beneficial to overcome various health problems.

    Please note that the ant nest is one of hidnophytinae epiphytic plants ( Rubiaceae) , which can be symbiotic with ants and are said to be epiphytic because this plant is attached to other plants but do not live in a parasite on its host, so only as a place to stick to it. Plant groups were consisted of two genera namely Myrmecodia and Hydnophytum, with dozens spisies. The second bulb plant species Rubiaceae family members were bulging full of thorns sharp. In the bulb there is a maze inhabited by ants and fungi. Meat plant' s tubers are sliced thinly, then dried, and packed in transparent palstik to be used as ingredients.
    By tradition, the ant nest as medicinal plants used by rural communities in the western part Wamnena, Papua. The tribes in Tolikara Bugondini and use it to solve common rheumatic and gout. Anthill actually contains flavonoids and tannins. Flavonoids act as antioxidants, which could prevent an attack as well overcome cancer. Flavonoids work mechanism to cope with cancer by making inactive carcinogens, inhibiting the cell cycle, and induction of apoptosis. In addition, also contain tocopherol. Similar tocopherol vitamin E, an antioxidant effect effective. Tekoferol function as antioxidants in counteracting free radicals and as anti-cancer free.
    Viewed from the womb, then the ant nest, according to research, almost can overcome various kinds of cancer. It also can be used for treating heart disease and cardiac leaks.
    In many cases the direct role of flavonoids as antibiotics by interfering with the function of microorganisms such as bacteria or virus. Flavonoid compounds contained in powder or water extract of the ant nest.

    Rule used:
    3 X 3 capsules for healing
    3 x 1 capsule for health

    for reservations, please contact the ' Pernik Muslim' + 62 ( 031) 5963404
    or SMS + 628563364677,
    or email support [ at] pernikmuslim.com.
    Or visit our website at http: / / www.pernikmuslim.com

    Direct link to the product: http: / / pernikmuslim.com/ kapsul-sarang-semut-p-772.html

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