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    Sari Kurma Al-Jazira

    Rp 24.900
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    Specification :

    Dates in AI-Qur' an and Sunnah Dates Fruit is a very good reliable food since the time of the Prophet, in the Qur' an as much as 24 times dates mentioned in the letter of Mary, among other verses 25-26 when Mary will give birth to her son Nabiyulloh ' Isa' Alaihi Salam. Allah. Commanded him to shake the palm tree into its back and then he ate the fruit diperintahkin dates that fell nearby, so since that time a date is a food terbaikdan highly efficacious drug bag! pregnant and postpartum mothers from the time the final yaumil kezaman ila.
    Ibn Umar narrated hadith from Rosuiulloh SAW " There are a blessing tree species such as the blessing of a Muslim, which date palms. Comment The Ulama and Medical Experts on Dates:
    1. DR. JabbarAn-Nuaimi and DRAI-amirAbbas Ja' far,
    " Dates contain the same type of fastener that can help prevent uterine bleeding after childbirth."
    " Dates are the basic ingredients of a new drug known as diostolen, this substance is very important to overcome reumatic and some types of eye diseases."
    2. AI-lmamlbnulQoyyimAI-jauziyyahRohimahulloh,
    " Dates powerful lever to strengthen, facilitate bowel movement, increase libido, sex, and heal dry throat"
    3. SyeikhRobi' AI-Qutsaim,
    " The women that maternity does not have something better for them than palm-cook."
    4. Amr bin Maimun
    " If a woman gave birth difficulties, there is nothing better than cooking dates, either wet or dry."

    Role-Dates In Pregnant Women, Childbirth, and Breastfeeding Puerperal

    The dates are hormones that are similar to the hormone oxytocin ( a hormone produced neurohipofisa, working to stimulate contraction of smooth muscle lining of the uterus during coitus and childbirth) which helps the process of birth. how, together with the hormone oxytocin is reseptomya launch regular muscle contractions gradually, causing the expansion of the cervix and from there there was the birth process.
    After persalinan.hormon oxytocin is also useful for drying the uterus, increasing the contraction of muscles knit to each other like a net, and the muscle fibers which netted the contract in such a way as to narrow the gap-knitted oelah among those who have eyes gently and blood bags to bleed. This causes a gradual cessation of bleeding.
    Pembulu fibers venous blood around milk ducts in payudarah also experienced a contraction, making swift milk when these channels they contain milk along with a contraction. From there Perfected lactation process.

    Role-Generating Dates in gentleness and kindness of the nature of man

    Really great benefits derived from the hormone oxytocin Dates. This hormone is very beneficial soften the hearts and feelings, causing the nature of affection, and it appears natural, not artificial.

    -Role in Setting Dates Estrogen Hormones

    Has known the other elements in the composition and dates very pungsinya 7 ^ F » similar to the hormone estrogen. The functions of this hormone, among others:
    1. The functions of bone.
    2. Breast.
    3. Skin.
    4. Rahim.
    5. FSH hormone that stimulates the testicles bag ( scrotum) .
    6. Producing yellow body ( corpus luteum) LH in the ovary that hangs on a large ligament.
    7. Balance of ions and minerals in the body.
    8. Siklusmenstruasi.
    9. Distributionlemakdi in the body.
    10. Insulin production.
    11. Padapria.dll sperm production.

    -Usefulness Dates include:

    > Food and beverage is best for pregnant and postpartum mothers to re-establish blood and nutrients that are perfect for infants through mothers who consumed palm-ation.
    > Preventing stroke.
    > Treating anemia, lethargy and fatigue.
    > Adding a child' s weight.
    > Increase vitality.
    > Streamlining the urethra.
    > Increase the Platelet in blood and deal with DHF.
    > Overcoming Rheumatic.
    > Prevents the body from bacteria and cancer.
    > Maintaining of myopia.
    > Stabilizing psychosis for children and the elderly.
    > Slowing the aging body.
    > Healthy skin.
    > Helping Suitable bone growth to diet.
    > Overcoming hemorrhoids.

    Nutritional Value Dates-content ( in 100 grams)

    Folic Acid 75 gr Kartohidrat mikrog 5.4
    Fiber / Mineral fiber 2.4 g 52 mg potassium
    Protein 2.35 g Magnesium 50 mg
    Copper 0.43 g fat / cofper 2.4 mg
    Sulfur Vitamin A 1990 IU 14.7 mg
    Vitamin B1 93 mg Iron 1.2 mg
    Vitamin B2 1.2 mg 144 mg Zink
    Vitmin C 6.1 mg Phosphorus 63 mg
    Nikonat acid 2.2 mg g Energy 323/ 100


    Instructions for use:
    Children 3 x 1 tablespoon daily
    Adult tablespoons a day 3x2
    Can be taken with warm milk

    for reservations, please contact the ' Pernik Muslim' + 62 ( 031) 5963404
    or SMS + 628563364677,
    or email support [ at] pernikmuslim.com.
    Or visit our website at http: / / www.pernikmuslim.com

    Direct link to the product: http: / / pernikmuslim.com/ sari-kurma-aljazira-p-842.html

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