Company Brief

In the category of material of organic fertilizer ( compost) , CVSK has successfully engineer the compost microbial activators Green Phoskko ® , bulking materials and machinery equipment-scale composter Biophosko ® households and the environment. Compost is very beneficial for landscaping in pehobies composting materials using household garbage. In fact, for the cities that have problems with TPA ( landfill) and waste management Biophoskko ® will help reduce the waste from the source of the waste-producing families, restaurants and hotels. Now also available Klin Rotary machine tool with the ability to process waste from the capacity of 1 m3 to 6 m3 / engine units.
With the solid waste processing environment around high-income housing, environmental waste management services will provide additional revenue in the form of " retribution" that general hygiene is collected by the Pillars of residents and developers. With a capacity of 5 units Rotary Klin in this IPKK 3 m3 / day will be able to process waste from approximately 150 to 200 homes.
With more and more familiar media technology composter composting using Rotary Kiln, a new passion of making compost at home - although not for commercial purposes, as well as in communal environments ( eg, RT, RW or RT) . Biophosko  ® technology has now been proven and can be used in the field when people pay attention to the problem of urban waste. In fact, today, more and more trust in the industry supporting this communal scale waste processing, which now grows in Bandung, Cimahi and Bogor, the request from some city government, a government agency ( BKKBN) , PT Gas Negara Persero ( PGN) , PT. Indocement, Tbk, PT Telkom, Tbk, PT Panasonic, Pertamina Cilacap RU, RU Plaju Pertamina, Medco Kaji South Sumatra, PT Gudang Garam Tbk, PT Panasonic KIIC, PT Bridgestone, Pemkab Monokwari Papua, - for community development around ( CSR) as well as its Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR) . Other users such as Bapedalda Donggala, Majalengka Sanitation Department, Sanitation Department Ambon, Kayra Cipta Karawang, Bekasi KLH, Entrepreneur Mr Peter in West Kutai, Kukje Sangyo and market demand from the country of Malaysia ( Seremban, Kajang and Johor) and Brunei Darussalam.
Rotary Kiln Biophosko ® is designed specifically for the purposes of providing media tools for setting the number of input oxygen ( aeration) and retain moisture, pH and temperature ( temperature) specific for a variety of high bacterial populations ( 10 ^ 8) - in Green Phoskko activators ( GP-1 ) - can work effectively and efficiently break down organic material. As known, each species of bacteria have different characters and also a special need to be able to decompose the material for quick, quality and hygienic. Thus, for the operation of composting in accordance with technological standards Phoskko ( rapid decomposition, hygienic, producing quality compost, free of deviations from generation caterpillars and smell) then, the use of a complete package of tools and activators Green Phoskko ( GP-1) and bulking agent ( organic or bulking agent) Green Phoskko ( GP-2) is recommended.
Trash commercial area ( market, malls, hotels, restaurants, apartments, shops, housing, factories and the like) are now required to Law No. 18/ 2008 to be managed independently. Thus, mastery of technology, waste management process - that can process waste in a modern, fast, economically profitable ( a new form that is something that can be sold and the value such as compost and liquid organic fertilizer) as well as knowledge of marketing, will be an attraction and incentive for all parties in managing the waste independently. Likewise, for employers services ( contractors, suppliers, cleaning service companies) , technology mastery if garbage would be capital in offering waste management services ( cleaning service) to each of these commercial areas.
Bandung, January 2010
Sonson Garsoni
+ 62-81572527115