Penghemat Energi -> BBM made in Indonesia , Kualitas export - " X-POWER" , hemat bahan bakar Genset, mesin2 industri, mobil, motor, dll[May. 25, 2015 2:42:44]
Save fuel consumption, boost engine power, low exhaust.
mobile phone: + 628155515215
have been tested by DEPARTEMENT KELAUTAN
X Power is recent technological appliance which in principle represent Ionizer, that is processor oil fuel and gas fuel equipments where about the way of its job use Wave Active Ultra Neodyne Magnetics with system Induction Energy Close Circuit Positive Micro Frequency ( IECCPMF) which can alter molecule of oil fuel and also gas fuel become ion so that able to permeate the more amount oxygen to process more perfect combustion.
In the end this matter can fulfill consumer desire to increase perform vehicle machine and other activator machine. Affect continuation which exactly very be of benefit to life socialize namely lessen gas pollution throw away and can economize Oil fuel till reach 10 to 40 % even for the Gas Fuel reach 50 % .
- Completing composition oil fuel and process combustion
- Improving acceleration of machine performance
- softer machine voice And vibration, machine temperature more stable
- Cleaning space burn and cost effective machine maintenance
- Degrading gas emission throw away and economize oil fuel till 20 40 %
- For the Gas LPG or gas fuel usage can economize till 50%
- Without side effects harm at all machine type
- Easy the way of its maintenance and tide
- A period of wearing ( Life Time) XPOWER during 7 year ( 64.000 hours)
- Warranty during 1 year
X Power applicable to all type of machine and mark of vehicle which used gasoline and also diesel fuel, for 2 stroke or 4 stroke machines, although use the carburetor or injection system for example:
Motorcycle: Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Vespa, Harley Davidson, Kymco, KTM, Garuda, Jialing, etc.
Commercial cars: BMW, Mercedes, Toyota, Isuzu, Suzuki, Honda, Hyundai, KIA, Daihatsu, Mitsubishi, Opel, Nissan, Jeep, Chevrolet, VW, etc.
Transportation: Bus, Truck, Dump Truck, Trailer, Train, etc.
Heavy Equipment: Bulldozer, Excavator, Compactor, Tractor, etc.
Motor ship : Passenger ship, Container Ship, Tanker, etc.
Stationer : Diesel Generator, Diesel AC, Diesel Las, Diesel Mill, etc.
Burner Vessel: Weirschoff, Italian Burner, etc.
Object : DAIHATSU TARUNA EFI Type. F500FL Years 2002 Posision KM. 9.257
Test tool : TECHNOTEST TYPE 488 CUNA NC 005/ 05 N.3664/ 4130/ 8-L GAS ANALYZER. CERTIFICATION OIML I N.293/ ETL91215.
Elements Without X-Power With X-Power With X-Power + AC
RPM 630 630 1.000
CO 2, 13 % 1, 50 % 1, 03 %
HC 277 ppm 269 ppm 216 ppm
CO2 13, 1 % 13, 5 % 13, 9 %
Lambda 0, 937 0, 960 0, 977
Fuel Consumption 8, 3 KM/ liter 11, 2 KM/ liter 10, 8 KM/ liter
At . 80 KM/ Hours
Mr. Yudi, Malang Drag Race motor mechanic phone. 0341-713357, at event in March 2003 have location in Kenjeran Surabaya for kelas 125 CC 4 stroke tune up 400 m degrade Motor Honda Grand 116 CC, position which is reached for is sequence 9 & 7.
Mr. Anas Machfudz, Malang Branch Manager of PLN phone. 0811341297 owner of car of MAZDA E-2000 year 1999.
Mr. Tono, Malang manager plantation MARGOSUKO phone. 08123355400. Diesel engine of Generator with capacities 2 x 150 KVA which operated for the coffee processing unit, previous consumes oil fuel 13 liter/ hour, noisy machine voice and pollution.
Mr. Mochamad Chanan, a PNS living in Surabaya phone. 031-70253900. For the everyday activity I always uses motor of RX KING 135 CC police number L 9758 GW. Before using the appliance, machine less be energetic, its voice is harsh, and using the gasoline that is 25 km/ liter. After using XP-800 Gold of machine more energetic, softer voice, oil fuel really economize can reach 35 km/ liter, temperature of machine is normal.
Mr. Yudi, Malang Drag Race motor mechanic phone. 0341-713357, at event in March 2003 have location in Kenjeran Surabaya for kelas 125 CC 4 stroke tune up 400 m degrade Motor Honda Grand 116 CC, position which is reached for is sequence 9 & 7. After motor attached by X Power XP-4000 with the same jockey and motor, perform machine mount and the result its can reach for position 2 with time difference 0, 11 second rear the first champion using motor 125 CC, despitefully oil fuel avtur is not extravagant.
Mr. Ir. Agus Hardianto, living in Surabaya phone. 031-8720613 owner of car of ISUZU PANTHER 2, 5 year 1998. I feel proud with product of X Power made in Indonesia, my car is not lazy again. Previously smoke of gas throw away black chromatic, if raced at a speed of 130 km/ hour rather choked up but after use light X Power XP-4000 of the extraordinary is although raced until 150 km/ hour, smoke of gas throw away is not black pollution and voice of energetic smooth machine. Usage of diesel fuel economizes until 35 % and temperature of normal machine.
Mr. Anas Machfudz, Malang Branch Manager of PLN phone. 0811341297 owner of car of MAZDA E-2000 year 1999. My car from new condition use oil fuel Pertamax Plus which is costly enough its price, after car attached by X Power XP-7000 Gold performance of machine more energetic, softer voice, and the normal machine temperature. Now my car enough use oil fuel Premium, Performa machine do not be different far like use Pertamax Plus, what clear by using economical oil fuel Premium can reach more than 25 % .
Mr. Ir. Totok Sugiarto, an tile entrepreneur PUTRA PLERED Purwakarta phone. 08156082241. Diesel engine of FUSO to mill my tile factory land has capacities of production reach 70.000 tile in one day. Previous consume diesel fuel 50 liter/ day, but after used X Power XP-9000 with same production capacities work machine mill land felt more energetic, is not hot, and consume diesel fuel enough finish 38 liter/ day.
Mr. Tono, Malang manager plantation MARGOSUKO phone. 08123355400. Diesel engine of Generator with capacities 2 x 150 KVA which operated for the coffee processing unit, previous consumes oil fuel 13 liter/ hour, noisy machine voice and pollution. After used two X Power XP-16000 the voice of his diesel engine is softer, oil fuel become more economizes, enough 10 liter/ day, temperature machine remain to be normal, and the gas throw away is not black pollution.
CV. SUBUR EXPRESS active in transport service of goods centering in the street of Raya Geluran No. 118 Taman - Sidoarjo, one of them is operate Head Trailer NISSAN DIESEL TURBO 290 PS year 1995 by police number. L 8315 N, capacities load 45 ton for route Surabaya Jakarta. Previous with payload 45 ton of machine power felt by a weight especially at the condition road zoom, smoke of gas throw away black chromatic of pollution, consume diesel fuel reach 960 liter to once PP Surabaya Jakarta. Since used X Power XP-1000 HP, with payload 45 ton of machine felt more energetic at condition road zoom, smoke of gas throw away grey chromatic of cleanness, temperature of normal machine, and more surprise usage of diesel fuel enough 820 just liter to once PP Surabaya - Jakarta.
Lady Sutik Hartini, an organizer of INDAH depot in Pandaan phone. 081330794973. Previously usage of gas of LPG for 8 unit of my gas burner each one tube @ 12 kg used up during mean 11 day. After using X Power LPG/ BG of usage of gas of LPG to 1 tube can reach mean of 23 of its thrift or day reach 50 % more. By this appliance suited for consumption of domestic and surely effort restaurant and catering.
Using X Power Type XP-800 Silver Price Rp. 140.000, -
A period of wearing : 64.000 hours ( 7 year / 84 month)
Attached at motorbike of Honda MEGA PRO 160 CC
Assumption :
Optimal operational in 1 month = 25 days
Consume oil fuel per day = 2, 5 ltr x Rp. 4.500, - = Rp. 11.250, -
Calculation assess appliance = Rp. 140.000, - : ( 84 month x 25 day) = Rp. 69, 14/ day
If in 1 economical day of oil fuel 0, 5 liter of x Rp. 4.500, -
= Rp. 2.250, -
Still there are deposit equal to Rp. 2.250, - Rp. 69, 14
= Rp. 2.180, 86
Deposit during a period of wearing appliance = 25 x 84 x Rp. 2.195, 24
= Rp. 4.579.806, -
Using the X Power Type XP-4000 Silver Price Rp. 450.000, -
A period of wearing : 64.000 hours ( 7 year / 84 month)
Attached at car of KIJANG DIESEL LGX - 2500 CC
Assumption :
Optimal operational in 1 month = 25 day
Consume oil fuel per day : 25 ltr x Rp. 4.300, - = Rp. 107.500, -
Calculation assess appliance : Rp. 400.000 : ( 84 month x 25 day) : Rp. 214, 29/ day
If in 1 economical day of OIL FUEL 4 liters of x Rp. 4.300, -
= Rp. 17.200, -
Still there are deposit of equal to Rp. 17.200, - Rp 190, 48
= Rp. 16.985, 71
Deposit of during a period to wearing appliance = 25 x 84 x Rp. 17.009, 52
= Rp. 35.669.990, -
Using X Power Type XP-16000 Silver Price Rp. 650.000, -
A period of wearing : 64.000 hours ( 7 year / 84 month)
Attached at TURBO Truck container NISSAN DIESEL TURBO 220 PS, transportation of goods route Surabaya-Jakarta, capacities load 35 ton.
Assumption :
Optimal operational in 1 month = Three times come and go
Consume oil fuel one time is : 810 ltr x Rp. 4.300, - = Rp. 3.483.000, -
Calculation assess appliance : Rp. 650.000 : ( 84 month three times come and go) : Rp. 2.579, 37/ come and go
If in 1 economical come and go 130 liter x Rp. 4.300, - = Rp. 559.000, -
Still there are deposit of equal to Rp. 559.000, - Rp 2.579, 37
= Rp. 556.420, 63/ come and go
Deposit of during a period to wearing appliance = 84 x 3 x Rp. 556.420, 63
= Rp. 140.217.999, -
Using X Power Type XP LPG/ BG Price Rp. 175.000, -
A period to wearing : 7 Year / 84 month attached at RINNAI
Asumsi :
Optimal operational in 1 month = 30 day
settlement assess appliance : Rp. 175.000 : ( 84 month x 30 day) : Rp. 83, 33/ day
Before using X Power
1 heavy tube 12 kg used up in 14 day
= Rp. 52.500, - : 14 day = Rp. 3.750, -/ day
After Using X Power
1 heavy tube 12 kg used up in 25 day
= Rp. 52.500, - : 25 day = Rp. 2.100, -/ day
Advantage = Rp. 1.650, -/ day
Still there are deposit equal to Rp. 1.650, - Rp 83, 33
= Rp. 1.566, 67/ day
Deposit during a period to wearing appliance = 30 x 84 x Rp. 1.566, 67
= Rp. 3.948.008, -
Using X Power
Type XP-7000 Silver at the price of Rp. 500.000, -
A period to wearing : 64.000 hours ( 7 year / 84 month)
Attached at travel car MITSUBISHI L-300 DIESEL 2500 CC
Assumption :
Optimal operational in 1 month = 25 days
Consume of diesel fuel per day = 80 liters
Calculation assess appliance = Rp. 450.000, - : ( 84 month X 25 days)
= Rp. 238, 09/ days
Value of appliance per liter oil fuel = Rp. 214, 29: 80 liters = Rp. 2, 98/ liters oil fuel of its
Its mean that the price of its; every liter of oil fuel when car wear X Power become :
& x ( price oil fuel + Rp. 2, 98)
Using Dilution of Additive oil fuel
Price Rp. 25.000, - per can 250 CC
Consume of diesel fuel per day = 80 liters
Assess Additive is = Rp. 25.000, - : 80 ltr = Rp. 312, 50 / liters
Its Meaning that price of each; every liters of oil fuel when added by dilution of additive become :
& x ( price oil fuel + Rp. 312, 50)
Conclusion :
Comparison of Difference of price per liters of oil fuel between :
Rp. 2, 98: Rp. 312, 50 = 1 : 105
Inferential thereby that price buy X Power and also costly visible Power Booster investment early but in fact exactly its operating expenses is cheaper.