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PT Primier Bumidaya Industri

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PT Primier Bumidaya Industri
Company Profile
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Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. NIKHIL RV at Pasuruan
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. NIKHIL RV at Pasuruan
Address:Pasuruan, Jawa Timur
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Average User ReviewThere is no review for this company - Write a review
Registration Date:May. 11, 2015
Last Updated:May. 11, 2015
Business Nature:Manufacturing of Chemicals category

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Company Brief

Our Company
PT Primier Bumidaya Industri is one of the reputed manufacturers of High Grade Manganese Oxide and Manganese Dioxide located in East Java, Indonesia. We were the first factory to start manufacturing and export of Manganese Oxide and Manganese Dioxide from indonesia as per government Rules and Regulations.

The company was established in 2012 with the Production of Manganese Oxide and Manganese Dioxide catering to manufacturers of manganese Sulfate, Feed, Fertilizer and Paint Industry. It was through remarkable effort, dedication and loyalty of our dedicated team of employees we have become one of the reputed chemical industry in Indonesia. Our diverse workforce is committed to safe and sustainable business practices that bring value to its shareholders, customers and business Partners.

Our Vision Our mission
To be one of the most reputed and trusted chemical manufacturer providing total customer satisfaction. The companies vision is to vertically integrate and produce Manganese Sulfate monohydrate, Manganese Nitrate and Manganese Carbonate. Aquiring Manganese Mines is in Process...

Environmental Protection
PBI is located in one of the state of the art industrial zone' s in east java providing healthy surroundings with the best technology of Waste water treatment in accordance to the international Environmental regulations.

PT Primier Bumidaya Industri
Rembang Industri VI-9, PIER
( Kawasan Industri Pasuruan)
Pasuruan --- 67152,
Jawa Timur
Tel --- ( 0343) 740447 / 448
Cell --- + 6281252811888
+ 628159806301
Email --- primierbumidaya@ yahoo.com
Website --- www.pbi-indonesia.com

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