Who are we ?
We are one stop shopping place for Surveying Tools on Telecomunication Business in Indonesia, Established 2014 place at the edge of Jakarta.
What We Do ?
We are focusing all our best efforts to providing tools, that suites you for your Telco work activities such as GPS , Camera , Measurement Tools , Safety Tools accecories and Rigging Tools, we delivered nothing but the best.
What makes us different :
All our products are guaranteed for the absolute genuine and provide warranty , technical supports plus training.
Secure transaction method or Cash Delivery Order.
Maximum 1 day Delivery Process after Purchase Order.
in our service are we provide calibration services for GPS, maps additions, installation of software for your TELCO work needs and we also have a reliable team you need to help you in the survey field of telecommunications and has been tested in SIS / SES, LOS, BTS Hotel, Site Audits ( Semi & Full) with various vendors and the leading operator in Indonesia.
Contac Us :
Jl. KH.Wahid Hasyim, Kav.Setia budi Rt 01/ 05 No.7a
Kreo - Larangan, Ciledug Tangerang - 15155
Phone :
( + 62) 813 1638 0023
Payment to :
Bank Mandiri a/ n Ary dwinanto Rek : 1550004958610