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Priority Member Indomonster Priority 15th Year
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Registration Date: Apr. 24, 2007Last Updated: Jan. 29, 2012
Business Nature: Manufacturing, Trade of Furniture & Furnishings category

Company Brief

We are an Indonesia furniture manufacturer that specializes in producing high quality furniture from mahogany, teak and rattan. In our ongoing effort to provide our clients with the best product in the market, we have developed many different lines with unique designs according to the style. Indoors cabinet, chest, desk, drawer, mirror, hall stand, bar, plantstand, buffet, sofa, bed, armoire, cabinet, rack, mirror, fireplace/ fire surround, plantstand, calligraphy, accesories, tables and chairs, as well as teak outdoors furniture, bench, lounger, folding chair, folding table, extendable table, deck chair, steamer, and handycraft

Major Products / Services

Seller :
  • Mebel Ukir Jepara dan minimalis
    Bahan dari kayu jati, cocok untuk rumah yang mewah maupun minimalis. Harga bersaing. Kami menjual mentah dan finishing. Kami juga sedia kursi tamu, kursi teras, almari, bufet, bifet tv, sketsel gebyok pelaminan, meja kursi makan set, sofa, tempat tidur, tolet, sketsel, almari jam, bangku kaligrafi dll. Kami mengirim ke seluruh nusantara. Harga terjangkau dan kualitas terjamin.Email: pasarmebel@gmail.com

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