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Pamijahan Collection

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Pamijahan Collection
Pamijahan Collection
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Company Contact
Name:Mr. Adi Sutisna [Owner/Entrepreneur]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: yahoo 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Adi Sutisna at Tasikmalaya
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Adi Sutisna at Tasikmalaya
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Adi Sutisna at Tasikmalaya
Tasikmalaya 46182, Jawa Barat
CP : 085223230155 / kunjungi Blog pamijahan Collection
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Aug. 1, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade of Apparel & Fashion category

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Company Brief

Assalamu alaikum ' ... Welcome to pamijahan collection, alternative Muslim men and women ... pamijahan is a trademark name Coco and hood Mukena. Because the first began production in 2001 in Tasikmalaya, pamijahan markets, as a trader in Jakarta. The fairly young and experienced. Far pamijahan was adopted in various circles, especially among young people. and there' s a marketing industry in West Java and business partners in various major cities such as Surabaya, Medan, Indonesia, Ujung Pandang, Makassar, Samarinda DLL. Because we see a lack of professional manufacturer of clothing that makes clothes for men Coco with exclusive style and is different from other bearing Islamic touch and don' t forget to consider the price to be accessible to all people, we offer Alternatively pamijahan fashion.

Major Products / Services
  • Baju koko, mukena, kerudung
    Untuk lebih memperkenalkan produk kami, maka Golmasyin mengajak rekan-rekan yang berminat menjadi mitra/ agen kami terutama diluar Jawa Barat dengan senang hati kami membuka diri untuk bekerja sama, insya Allah saling menguntungkan. Anda dapat segera menghubungi kami dengan mengirim nama, alamat, tempat tanggal lahir dan kirim e-mail ke GolmasyinCollection.blogspot.com.

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