Mesin Pencacah Organik MPO 850 HD [ Penggerak Yanmar][Oct. 19, 2010 20:47:19]
Trash Counting Machine ( Model 850 HD MPO) is useful to facilitate the process of composting organic waste through activities before entering into a composter chop ( medium decomposition process) until it becomes compost. With this machine, organic waste ( waste material derived from living things include the remaining vegetables, meat, fruit, etc in large size) will be made kecill size so more easily and rapidly decomposed in the composting process. Organic Waste Counting Specifications MPO 850 HD [ YANMAR] : Working Capacity: 1000 kg / h; Overall dimensions: 1375x1100x1490 mm; Overall weight: 265 kg; Destroyer Dimensions: 1050x1100x1490 mm; Heavy Trash Destroyer: 180 kg; Drum Length: 500 mm; Diameter drum with a knife: 500 mm; Number of Knives: 18 units; Width / Thickness of blade: 50/ 12 mm; The distance between the blade: 50 mm ( can open pairs one by one) ; Knives Material: Carbon Steel; Knife violence: 500 HV or 50 HRC; Material: Plate Esyer 2-3 mm; Construction: Plate Elbow / UNP; Wheels: four 8-inch size fruit; Motor Mover: Brand: YANMAR, Model TF 85 = H / R-in; = Hopper Cooling System / Radiator; Weight = 95 kg; How to Turn = With the hand crank ( manual) .