Specification :
MVP Spanish
MVP S-key Spanish
It' s the lastest version, hot and new, and it supports Spanish , English and Turkish!
MVP means Multi Vehicle Programmer.
Covers all � version function: T300, AUTOMAM, K1, 2005, 2008, DECODER) , and add more functions,
such as the update 06-07 Honda system, Peugeot system and control, Hyundai system and
control, the menu and control of Daewoo, Kia control, GM control and System update,
Mitsubishi CAN BUS System, VW menu and control, CAN BUS Interface.
The function:
1. Read the default code of car
2. Cleanup all default code
3. Read the data of system
4. Read the IMMO/ ECU ID code
5. Read the code of mechanical key
6. Cleanup the memory of car key
7. Programmer a new key
8. Read the enter code of car key
9. Discern the type of ECU
10. Programmer ECU-IMMOBILISER
11. Read the EKA code
12. Programmer the new EKA code
13. Programmer remote device
14. Matching the intelligent key
15. Matching the intelligent remote key
Added the model after update:
1. SAAB-Matching key of CAN BUS system
2. Honda( 07 Civic)
3. Toyota/ Lexus-CAN BUS system
4. Volvo-key matching
5. Mitsubishi-CAN BUS system
6. Hyundai/ Kia-CAN BUS system
7. NISSAN-matching intelligent remote key