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Name:Mr. Alamsyah [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: niagara_ong@yahoo.com 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Alamsyah at Bandar Lampung
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Alamsyah at Bandar Lampung
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Alamsyah at Bandar Lampung
Address:Jl. Negara Nomor 17A
Bandar Lampung 34162, Lampung
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Dec. 16, 2011
Business Nature:Trade of Mineral, Metals & Materials category

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Company Brief

CV. Niagara, an Indonesian coal mining & trading company, headquarters in Lampung, Indonesia engages in all facets of coal mining, from mine field discovery, feasibility study, exploration, exploitation, coal processing and delivery to trading. We own and operate several thousand hectares coal concession in Southern Sumatra with substantial verified mineable surface coal reserves. We have been supplying high calorie coals to China and India as well as to local power plants. . Our target markets are power plants, cement producers, sugar refineries and other manufacturing companies.

Our Vissions are to be a global coal Mining & Trading Company, recognized through out the world as honest, good service and reliable Supplier for our Customers and a partner for our Suppliers. Our trade mark and team work would be respectable and thrust worthy with the intention to do our best for the benefit of our Customers and Suppliers.
Our Mission is dedicated to being a market-driven global leader in the coal industry and to creating superior long-term shareholder value. In pursuit of these objectives, we will:
* Conduct our business with integrity.
* Embrace technology and innovation in everything we do.
* Work with customers to develop new and better services which add value to both parties.
* Foster a motivating work environment.
* Operate safe, low-cost mines.
* Act as responsible caretakers of the land, utilizing our resources effectively and efficiently.
Our company is committed to supplying our customers with thermal / steam coal of the optimum quality that has been requested by our customers. Our thermal / steam coal come from the most stringent inspection and is the highest quality.

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