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nendyz kebun buah
SMS Member Indomonster SMS 14th Year
nendyz kebun buah
Contact Information
Mr. Nendy Kurniady
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Phone number of Mr. Nendy Kurniady at Malang
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Mobile number of Mr. Nendy Kurniady at Malang
Perum Puncak Permata Sengkaling Blok BB No 2, sumber sekar,dau,Malang
Malang, Jawa Timur
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PriceRp 55.000/dus
Manggo Manalagi from Situbondo, East Java Indonesia. Good quality, sweet taste.
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PriceRp 9000/kg (sept)
Sakata Melon, green color of skin with perfect net, orange inside, hard and crispy texture, sweetness value above 12, long storage periode 30 day
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Melon Honey Globe, good taste, recomended for juice, and food processing.
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PriceRp 10.000 / kg (sept)
Golden Melon, yellow skin, white inside, texture hard and crispy, sweetness, value above 14, long periode storage
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Manggo Harum manis, original manggo from situbondo & probolinggo East Java, excellent taste and strong aroma. With our technology, We can produce off season ( In the beginning of....
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