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    XP Unlimited

    XP Unlimited

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    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order, Bank Cheque
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    CD & Email

    Specification :

    XP Unlimited


    The product XP Unlimited is not a tailor-made solution. It is a generic product that can be used in large number of situations. Potential customers are both private users and small to large organizations. Any organization that uses Microsoft Windows and is considering for whatever reason to use Microsoft Terminal Server solutions, should consider XP Unlimited first, because it is easier and cheaper to deploy, mostly because of the easy and relax license terms.
    The core modules of XP Unlimited have been used by our customers for a long time. We used to install them manually as part of our system integration solutions. November 2005 we made the decision of selling XP Unlimited as a separate product. This decision implied some work for us, because selling a product through the Internet implies that the product must be easy to install. Since November 2005 most of work is done for the Setup program. The Setup program has to figure out automatically what we used to do ourself when installing the core modules.

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