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CV. Mulya Jaya
Priority Member Indomonster Priority 15th Year
 Products Catalog:STERILE SWABS  Products Catalog:CONTAINERS 38X65MM, cap 60 ml  Products Catalog:AMIES TRANSPORT SWABS STERILE  Products Catalog:PHydrion ( CM 240) Chlorine Dispenser  Products Catalog:TESTO  Products Catalog:PROTIMETER  Products Catalog:VISCOTESTER  Products Catalog:BD DIFCO 
Language :
Registration Date: Feb. 12, 2008Last Updated: Apr. 8, 2010
Business Nature: Service of Chemicals category

Company Brief

CV. MULYA JAYA is distributor or subdistributor Sold agent in Indonesia who sell Laboratorium Equipment and Microbiology Media on Surabaya Jawa Timur Indonesia , with brand : BD DIFCO, copan italy, memmert, hirayama, atago, thermo scientific, thermolyne, funke garber, warring, hach usa, olympus, seedburo, all american, vwr, sibata, horiba, uetech, yellowline, wildco, takemura, As-One, pyrex, brand, biohit, axygen scientific, AZ Taiwan, boeco germany, gast vacuum pump, optika italy Microscope, motic Microscope, interscience, hettich, and balance Japan, Ohaus Balances and Scale USA, mettler toledo balance USA, presica balance taiwan, kern balances germany, eppendorf, testo, velp scientifica, KNF neuberger, nabertherm vaccuum Pumps Germany, advantec toyo kaisha Ltd. Japan, kett Science And Sensing USA, eppendorf jerman

Major Products / Services

Seller :
    distributor atau subdistributor

    CV. MULYA JAYA adalah Penjual resmi produk Media Microbiologi merk BD DIFCO ex Amerika

    CV. MULYA JAYA adalah Penjual resmi produk memmert di Indonesia. Produk memmert: Oven, Incubator, Water Bath, Humidity Chamber, CO2 Incubator, Oil Bath, Water Bath, Environmental Chamber dll.

    CV. MULYA JAYA adalah penjual hach indonesia Specialist Water Analysis di Indonesia hach untuk keperluan analisa air minum, air limbah dan lingkungan antara lain: pH Meter, DO, COD, BOD, Organic, TSS, Non-Organic dll.

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