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mulia furniture & acrylic
Priority Member Indomonster Priority 14th Year
mulia furniture & acrylic
Contact Information
Mrs. Noerida
[Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Windows Live: rackshowcasecounterboothkereta rackshowcasecounterboothkereta
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mrs. Noerida at Jakarta Utara
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mrs. Noerida at Jakarta Utara
Fax Number:
Fax number of Mrs. Noerida at Jakarta Utara
Komplek Taman Pegangsaan Indah, Blok O / 34, Jl. Pegangsaan Dua, Pegangsaan dua, Kelapa Gading
Jakarta Utara 14250, Jakarta
Valid Address
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rak kue,  rak roti,  rak snack,  rak dinding.rak jajanan,  rak
wall rack, bread, snack, cakes, cookies rack: Any options motive, To type and other design; Please Call: ( 021) 6860 0060, Pegangsaan dua, kelapa gading, North Jakarta, Ina. Can....
rombong manisan buah,  perment,  jamu,  type-2
candied fruit cart, Any options motive, To type and other design; Please Call: ( 021) 6860 0060, Pegangsaan dua, kelapa gading, North Jakarta, Ina. Can help create an image with a....
breads rack,  rak roti,  rak kue,  rak jajanan,  rak snack,  rak makanan
Counter / shop / breads rack, rak roti, rak kue, rak jajanan, any options motive, To type and other design; Please Call: ( 021) 6860 0060, Pegangsaan dua, kelapa gading, North....
glass display,  showcase,  rak kaca,  etalase
glass display - motor
For other Type & Design: Please Call : ( 021) 6860 0060, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Email: muliafurniture@ gmail.com; www. mulia-f.co.cc
Finish: HPL/ Other HPL/ ....
booth display,  rombong makanan,  kedai,  kios,  gerai,  outlet
booth retail display, For other Type & Design: Please Call : ( 021) 6860 0060, Jakarta, Ina .
Email: muliafurniture@ gmail.com; Finish: HPL/ Other HPL/ Duco/ Melamin;
kedai,  warung,  rombong,  gerobak kopi
outlet, kedai, warung, rombong, coffee shop, any options motive, To type and other design; Please Call: ( 021) 6860 0060, Pegangsaan dua, kelapa gading, North Jakarta, Ina. Can....
rombong kopi,  warung kopi,  kedai kopi,  outlet,  gerai kopi,  konter kopi
mini coffee shop mobile, coffee outlet, coffee counter, Any options motive, To type and other design; Please Call: ( 021) 6860 0060, Pegangsaan dua, kelapa gading, North Jakarta, ....
rak kue,  rak roti,  rak snack dengan roda
mobile rack - showcase
For other Type & Design: Please Call : ( 021) 6860 0060, Jakarta, Ina. Email: muliafurniture@ gmail.com; Finish: HPL/ Other HPL/ Duco/ Melamin;
meja kerja team,  meja kerja staff,  work station set
work station, work staff station, Any options motive, To type and other design; Please Call: ( 021) 6860 0060, Pegangsaan dua, kelapa gading, North Jakarta, Ina. With drawing from....
meja kerja dg lemari gantung,  work station,
staff work station with cabinet, other, Any options motive, To type and other design; Please Call: ( 021) 6860 0060, Pegangsaan dua, kelapa gading, North Jakarta, Ina. With....
rak kue,  rak roti,  rak snack
bread, cakes, cookies rack/ bread shop/ outlet / other, Any options motive, To type and other design; Please Call: ( 021) 6860 0060, Pegangsaan dua, kelapa gading, North Jakarta, ....
Rack Retail Display untuk makanan / lainnya
Breads / cakes/ food display / Other.
Finish: Duco/ Melamic/ Laminated( HPL) / Other HPL, Semi Knock Down / Module system, Job Order / Package, With drawing / without drawing
acrylic lengkung
acrylic job, Any options motive, To type and other design; Please Call: ( 021) 6860 0060, Pegangsaan dua, kelapa gading, North Jakarta, Ina. With drawing from me / drawing from....
rombong kue,  roti,  jajanan,  snack
food, breads, cakes, cookies, snack cart
Any several options motive,
To type and other design; Please Call: ( 021) 6860 0060, Jakarta, Ina. With drawing / drawing from customer....
rombong pizza rakyat
pizza cart-movable
Any several options motive,
To type and other design; Please Call: ( 021) 6860 0060, Jakarta, Ina. With drawing / drawing from customer. Email: ....
Gondola / Showcase kaca
gondola / showcase four sides
For other Type & Design: Please Call : ( 021) 6860 0060, Jakarta, Ina.Email: muliafurniture@ gmail.com; Finish: HPL/ Other HPL/ Duco/ Melamin;
Rack Retail Display
breads / cakes / food / rack retail display.
For other Type & Design: Please Call : ( 021) 6860 0060, Jakarta, Ina. Email: muliafurniture@ gmail.com; Finish: HPL/ Other HPL/ Duco....
lemari sampai ceiling
cabinet up to ceiling finish melamin
open door, lamp on
Any several options motive,
To type and other design; Please Call: ( 021) 6860 0060, Jakarta, Ina. With drawing / ....
rak majalah/ buku dua sisi
magazine/ book rack two sides with symbol.
Any several options motive,
To type and other design; Please Call: ( 021) 6860 0060, Jakarta, Ina. With drawing / drawing from....
credenza cabinet-1
credenza cabinet, finish duco
Any several options motive,
To type and other design; Please Call: ( 021) 6860 0060, Jakarta, Ina. With drawing / drawing from customer. Email: ....
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