Registration Date: May. 24, 2023Last Updated: May. 2, 2011
Business Nature: Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Chemicals category
Company Brief
Quality will be the product item, good price, speed of service for a product as well as good environmental management is something that is desirable for consumers as well as a key to success for manufacturers of these goods to be competitive in running their business. It can dilakuakan by business actors in a way one of them to choose their business partners in supporting performance.
MLS Engineering as solutions in various problems in the Boiler System, Cooling System, Treatment - Water Treatment and Environmental Management.
The purpose of the MLS Engineering is to give advice as well as treatment at the Boiler System, Cooling System Water Treatment System ( water conditioning) , Waste Water Treatment ( waste water treatment) and Environmental Management ( environmental consulting & engineering) .
These efforts have been complemented by research - research in it for the sake of the perfection process. We also work with other agencies in order to improve the quality of treatment and support materials, and indirectly represents a concrete form of our service.
In its development, our institutions are required to provide excellent service standards as well as the results of research - research that has been done. Therefore, the availability of means - the means are as workshops before tested in the system.
Major Products / Services
Seller :
- Dokumen Lingkungan
Anda membutuhkan jasa untuk pembuatan AMDAL, UPL/ UKL, IPAL (Limbah), untuk perusahaan, instansi, Rumah Sakit, Perumahan dll?. Kami sebuah tim yang sudah berpengalaman dalam menangani proyek-proyek Nasional dengan tenaga ahli yang profesional siap membantu anda. Percayakan pekerjaan anda pada kami, anda akan mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan.