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Alat Laboratorium,  Alat Testing,  Alat Lab ( HP 0815 9935009) www.alatlabs.com,  e-mail : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com

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Drager Draeger Alcotest 6510,  Breath Alcohol Tester
[Feb. 12, 2012 9:13:24]
Drager Draeger Alcotest 6510, Breath Alcohol Tester
Principle of Measurement : ....
Ultrasonic Flaw Detector : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com,  HP 0815 9935009,  0813 83 190190,  www.karyamitra.co.id,  www.alat-teknik.com
[Feb. 11, 2012 6:27:07]
Ultrasonic Flaw Detector : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com, HP 0815 9935009, 0813 83 190190.......
Tenda Terpal www.tendaterpal.com,  Tent,  Tenda,  Tenda keluarga,  Tenda Pengungsi,  Tenda Pleton,  Tenda Regu dll HP 0815 9935009,  0813 83 190 190
[Feb. 11, 2012 6:18:37]
Tenda, Tenda keluarga, Tenda Pengungsi, Tenda Pleton, Tenda Regu, Tenda Pengungsi, Terpal....
Breath Alcohol Tester,  Draeger Alcotest 3000,  Drager : Contact : www.karyamitra.co.id email : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com HP 081387587112
[Feb. 11, 2012 0:45:34]
Breath Alcohol Tester, Draeger Alcotest 3000

Principle of Measurement : ....
Solder,  soldering equipment,  goot,  ( HP 0815 9935009) ,  PID control type soldering station,  temperature controlled soldering station,  lead free soldering station,  output controllers,  soldering controllers,  mini station,  temperature controlled soldering ir
[Feb. 11, 2012 0:41:58]
Solder, soldering equipment, goot, ( HP 0815 9935009) , PID control type soldering....
High Volume Air Sampler,  Air Sampling Pump,  Low Volume Air Sampler,  Personnal Air Sampler,  Bactery Air Sampler,  staplex,  gilian,  skc,  etc : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com,  www.karyamitra.co.id
[Feb. 11, 2012 0:41:42]
Staplex Air Samplers product :

A complete line of Air Sampler pumps for airborne....
Lux Meter,  Light Meter,  Light Intensity,  Illuminace Meter,  : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com,  www.alat-teknik.com,  www.karyamitra.co.id
[Feb. 10, 2012 1:08:27]
Lux Meter, Light Meter, Light Intensity, Illuminace Meter, : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
Delmhorst Didital Soil Moisture Meter,  with gypsum block :
[Feb. 9, 2012 0:25:20]
Digital Soil Moisture Tester

Features reliable temperature stable semiconductor....
Handheld Laser Leaf Area Meter ( CI-203) CID
[Feb. 8, 2012 20:18:33]
Handheld Laser Leaf Area Meter ( CI-203) CID

The new CI-203 Handheld Laser Area Meter....
Pasco Indonesia,  Klinger Eductional,  Pasco Scientific,  Merlan Scientific,  Leybold,  Educational and Vocational Training Kit,  Alat Peraga HP 0815 9935009,  karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com,  www.alat-teknik.com,  www.karyamitra.co.id
[Feb. 8, 2012 20:17:55]
Pasco Indonesia, Klinger Eductional, Pasco Scientific, Merlan Scientific, Leybold, ....
Infrared Thermometer : -50º C to 1,  250º C,  www.karyamitra.co.id,  email : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
[Feb. 6, 2012 21:31:48]
Temperature Range-50Â º C to 1, 250Â º C

Accuracy  ± 2% or  ± 2 º C
Distance Spot Ratio....
Infrared Thermometer : -18º C to 1,  500º C ,  www.karyamitra.co.id,  email : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
[Feb. 5, 2012 23:47:47]
Infrared Thermometer

Range : -18Â º C to 1, 500Â º C

Accuracy  ± 2% or  ± 2 º C
Antenna Testing,  Antenna Isolation Testing,  Cable Fault Locating,  Cable Impedance Testing,  Cable Measuring,  Circuit Analysis,  Circuit Gain/ Loss,  MRI Coil Testing,  Network Analysis,  Power Meter Reading,  Spectrum Analysis,  Vector Impedance Analysis,  NMR Co
[Feb. 5, 2012 7:05:38]
Vector Impedance Analyzer: VIA Echo 4.0 MHz to 1.0 GHz & 4.0 MHz to 2.5 GHz
Time Domain....
Thermo-hygrograph,  barograph,  barometer,  altimeter,  thermograph,  pressure recorder,  temperature recorder,  humidity recorder,  www.karyamitra.co.id,  www.alat-teknik.com
[Feb. 3, 2012 21:21:32]
Thermo-hygrograph, TS 707, Blue Gizmo, AOIP, Cal Controls, Chauvin Arnoux, Comark, ....
Kyoritsu ( HP 0815 9935009) ,  multimeter,  clamp meter,  current tester,  multi-trans,  energizer,  insulation/ continuity,  tester,  earth tester,  loop psc rcd,  multi function,  appliance,  power meter recorders,  megger,  etc
[Feb. 1, 2012 2:29:38]
Kyoritsu, Analogue multimeter 1106, 1108, 1109, 1110, Digital Multimeter 1008, 1009, 1017....
Fillrite Flowmeter,  Tuthill Flowmeter,  Mechanical High Flow Flowmeter : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
[Jan. 31, 2012 19:19:27]
Fillrite Flowmeter, Tuthill Flowmeter, Mechanical High Flow Flowmeter : karyamitrausaha@ ....
Digital Force Gauge,  Universal Testing Machine,  Testing Machine for Rubber,  Tires,  Testing Machine for Footwear,  Leathers,  Testing Machine for Plastic,  Adhesive,  Testing Machine for Paper,  Cardboard,  Rubber Hardness Tester : info@ karyamitra.co.id
[Jan. 31, 2012 1:09:27]
Digital Force Gauge, Universal Testing Machine, Testing Machine for Rubber, Tires, ....
Tachometer,  Contact,  Photo and Non Contact ( HP ) 815 9935009) ,  Photo,  email : info@ karyamitra.co.id,  karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
[Jan. 25, 2012 19:04:04]

- Measuring....
Penakar Hujan,  OBS Rain Gauge : HP 0815 9935009,  karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
[Jan. 25, 2012 19:03:38]
Penakar Hujan, OBS Rain Gauge : HP 0815 9935009, karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
Spectrophotometer,  Merck,  Hatch,  Optima,  Labomed,  Thermo,  Labomed,  Genesys,  Jenway,  Spectronic,  Odyssey DR-2500,  20D+ ,  Genesys 20,  Genesys 10UV,  Genesys 10UV,  www.alatlaboratoriums.com
[Jan. 20, 2012 22:33:44]
Spectrophotometer, Merck, Hatch, Labomed, Genesys, Jenway, Spectronic, Odyssey DR-2500, ....
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