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Tianjin Meilen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

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Tianjin Meilen Pharmaceutical Co.,  Ltd.
Tianjin Meilen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. allen xu [Sales]
Instant Messaging:
ICQ: 1064646201
Windows Live: meilunpharm@hotmail.com meilunpharm@hotmail.com
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. allen xu at Ãì½òÃÃ
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. allen xu at Ãì½òÃÃ
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. allen xu at Ãì½òÃÃ
Address:Ãì½òÃñ±³½¾­¼Ã¿ªRoad ¢Ãøë³½ÃÃÃRoad 18ºÃ
Ãì½òÃà 300400, Tianjin
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Mar. 23, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing of Chemicals category

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Company Brief

Tianjin Meilen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., is one new member of Merlun groups, the company set up to fill the field of synthetic drugs group space, added a new vitality for the development of the Group. Meilen Pharm focused on the R & D and production of pharmaceutical intermediates, fine chemicals, and special chemicals custom synthesis, shorten development cycle of new drug, reduce the costs of drug production, provide customers pharmaceutical intermediates customized services from gram to tonnage .
We set up a high level of R & D team, support team members have years of experience in pharmaceutical synthesis, and established a long-term research partnership with the domestic famous universities and research institutions, hired well-known experts as technical consultants for our technology provides a strong protection, at the same time the company purchased high performance liquid chromatography, high efficiency gas chromatograph, and other detection equipment, the full implementation of GMP quality assurance system, to provide high quality services providing effective protection. Our main products including: heterocyclic compounds, boric acid compounds, aromatic compounds, aliphatic compounds, ect.
Welcome new and old customers come to visit our company to discuss cooperation!

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