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    kapsul keladi tikus

    kapsul keladi tikus

    Rp 25.000
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    Specification :

    Keladi Tikus ( Typhonium Flagelliforme) is traditional medicine from Indonesia for cancer, cyst, tumor.

    Typhonium Flagelliforme has proven to heal cancer patients such as breast cancer , colon cancer, rectum cancer, liver cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia, cervical and lung cancer.Yes, it heals haemorrhoid and vaginal discharge too.

    Typhonium Flagelliforme ( Lodd) BL is the scientific name for rodent tuber in English or keladi tikus in Bahasa Indonesia. It is also known as Tu Ban Xia or Lao Shu Yu in Chinese. It is categorized as an araceae plant that only reaches a height between 25cm to 30cm only. It grows typically in a moist habitat and should be kept from direct sunlight. The green leaves are round and pointy at the end form like a betel leaf shape. Typhonium flagelliforme / Keladi Tikus is a herbal plant grows in Indonesia. Usually people around this area use these plants as a traditional medicine in their daily life.

    Scientifically, researchers have found three major substances in the Typhonium flagelliforme ( keladi tikus / rodent tuber) plants are: -

    1. Ribosome inacting protein ( RIP)
    Functioning as an agents of weakening growth of cancer cells, kill the cancer cells without disturbing the surrounding system and prevent cancer growth.

    2. Anti-oxidant agent
    Functioning as an agent to prevent the occurrence of genetic damage

    3. Curcumin agent
    Function as an anti-inflammatory agents or anti-inflammation.

    Combination of this three substances, enable to develop the mediator that stimulates strong body immune system that� s work together to fight cancer cells.

    In addition to these three substances, it also contains high essential amino acid known as Arginine. In the normal growth of animals, plants and microbes, Arginine works as agents that sustain normal metabolism and propagation of cells.


    * Low medical costs and affordable by all users.
    * Treats the cancer naturally without side effects
    * Enjoy life more confident, peaceful and calm.
    * Reduce the side effects commonly experienced by cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
    * Safe to be taken while undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
    * Restore energy and appetite of cancer patients.
    * Guaranteed 100% Typhonium flagelliforme ( keladi tikus / rodent tuber) with zero usage of unwanted chemicals in each dose.
    * Typhonium flagelliforme ( keladi tikus / rodent tuber) is planted using organic fertilizer and we use only the fresh leaves in our products. Emphasis on the quality, we manually harvest the matured trees only, it is to ensure the quality and positive impact of this herb to patients. We are not using any pesticides in order to control the quality of our products.We are proud to claim that our product is free from any chemical substance.
    * Typhonium flagelliforme� s ( keladi tikus / rodent tuber) natural habitats are now hard to be found and we believe with the unstable weather condition nowadays really affect the plants habitat.


    * The cancer patients:
    o Breast
    o Cervical
    o Lung
    o Rectum
    o Cervical
    o Prostate
    o Blood ( leukemia)
    o Tumor
    o And other types of cancers even at level 3 and above.
    * Practitioners of alternative medicine
    * Cancer specialists and doctors
    * Distributors of health products
    * Pharmacies and Chinese drug stores ( sen seh)
    * Those with a history of family members who had cancer.
    * Those who had a history of suffering from cancer.
    * People with haemorrhoid
    * Women that are affected by vaginal discharge.

    Also can be consumed as a daily supplements in order to prevent cancer by everyone especially for those with the high risk to be affected by cancer. ( i.e. smoker and alcoholic)

    Also safe to be taken by children with a lower dose.
    Strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

    For more information, You can contact my phone: 081288851177
    and email: syarifudin82@ gmail

    We sell 1 bottles with 80 capsules only Rp 25.000.

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