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Mandiri Jaya Teknik Perkasa
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Name: | Mr. Hendra [Sales] | |
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Address: | Komp.Duta Harapan Indah Blok KK/8, Jl. Kapuk Muara Jakarta Utara 14450, Jakarta Indonesia | |
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Registration Date: | May. 24, 2023 | |
Last Updated: | Dec. 18, 2011 | |
Business Nature: | Trade, Service of Industrial Supplies category | |
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Sejarah berdirinya CV Mandiri Jaya Teknik Perkasa ( Perusahaan) bermula dari sebuah perusahaan yang bernama PD Mandiri Jaya Tehnik, yang didirikan pada tanggal 9 Nopember 1989 berdasarkan Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan ( SIUP) No. 15/ 29/ 09-01/ PK/ 1989 yang mengkhususkan diri dalam memasarkan produk pompa-pompa industri dengan berbagai macam jenis dan merk pompa ke segmen end user, kontraktor ataupun supplier. Semua produk Perusahaan merupakan produk unggulan dunia ( product leader) dengan merk-merk yang sudah terkenal jaminan mutunya. History of the establishment CV Mandiri Jaya Teknik Perkasa ( the Company) started with a company called PD Mandiri Jaya Tehnik, which was established on 9 November 1989 based on Trading License No. 15/ 29/ 09-01/ PK/ 1989, specializes in marketing various types and brands of industrial pumps to the end user segment, contractors or suppliers. All company products are the superior product ( product leader) with brands that are well-known quality assurance. Seiring dengan perjalanan waktu, tepatnya pada tanggal 28 Desember 2009, entitas PD Mandiri Jaya Tehnik berubah menjadi sebuah perusahaan komanditer berdasarkan Akta Notaris Iswandono Poerwodinoto, SH., Sp.N, M.Kn., No. 59 tanggal 28 Desember 2009. Akta pendirian Perusahaan telah disahkan oleh Kepaniteraan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Utara dalam keputusan No. 11/ Leg/ 2010 tanggal 12 Januari 2010. Along with the passage of time, precisely on December 28, 2009, the entity PD Mandiri Jaya Tehnik turned into a limited partnership company based on Notary Deed Iswandono Poerwodinoto, SH., Sp.N, M. Kn., No. 59 dated December 28, 2009. The Company establishment deed has been approved by the Registrar of the North Jakarta District Court in the decision No. 11/ Leg/ 2010 dated January 12, 2010. Ruang lingkup kegiatan Perusahaan meliputi usaha perdagangan pompa air, pompa minyak, suku cadang ( spare parts) pompa dan beberapa produk-produk teknik dan elektrik yang berkaitan dengan pompa seperti elektro motor ( electric motor) , generator set ( genset) dan diesel engine. Untuk memberikan kemudahan dan solusi masalah ( troubleshooting) pompa pelanggan, Perusahaan juga menyediakan jasa instalasi dan pemeliharaan ( services) untuk pompa dan elektro motor. Sebagai wujud nyata pelayanan dan nilai tambah kepada pelanggan, Perusahaan memberikan garansi purna jual ( after-sales service) bagi setiap komplit set pompa yang dijual agar dapat memberikan kepuasan pelanggan ( ketentuan lebih rinci mengenai garansi purna jual dapat dilihat pada kartu garansi) . The scope of Companyâ € ™ s business activities initially focused on trading for water pumps, oil pumps, pump spare parts and some engineering products and electrical supplies in connection to pumps such as : electric motor, generator set, diesel, etc. To serve the satisfied services to customers, the Company has provided installation and maintenance services for troubleshooting of pumps and electric motors. As a concrete form and value added services to customers, the Company provides after-sales warranty ( after sales service) for each complete set of pumps that are sold in order to provide customer satisfaction ( a more detailed provisions on warranty after sale can be seen on the warranty card) . Perusahaan berkedudukan di Komplek Duta Harapan Indah Blok KK No. 8, Jl. Kapuk Muara, Kelurahan Kapuk Muara, Kecamatan Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara. The Companyâ € ™ s domicile is in North Jakarta with its office located at Duta Harapan Indah Estate Block KK No. 8, Jl. Kapuk Muara, Kapuk Muara Sub-District, Penjaringan District, North Jakarta. | ||
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