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Mr. Aryo Soeseno [Director/CEO/General Manager]

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Fax number of Mr. Aryo Soeseno at Surabaya


Jl. Karah Agung XII/09-11
Surabaya 60232, Jawa Timur

Memproduksi Pupuk Majemuk, Perdagangan Pupuk Tunggal, Sarana Pertanian Organik, Benih, Bibit, Alat-alat Pertanian Organik, Membuat Green House dll.
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Pupuk Organik Murni Granul ZooMass
[Feb. 7, 2012 23:27:51]

Price : Rp. 1.500,-/kg, (Granul), Rp. 1.250,-/kg (Powder), FOT. Pabrik di Mojokerto.

ZooMass is a real organic granule compund fertilizer. Made from natural material from....
[Feb. 7, 2012 23:22:08]

Price : Rp. 90.000,-/botol

Insectro is liquid organic pesticides, it is combined of modern and traditional Indonesia....
[Feb. 7, 2012 23:21:40]

Price : Rp. 75.000,-/botol

Fertro is leave organic fertilizer.
100% pure botany material, free chemical, and no....
[Feb. 7, 2012 23:21:26]

Price : Rp. 75.000,-/botol

Dectro is a brown coloured liquid with a pleasant aroma which contains many types of....
[Jul. 14, 2011 11:10:49]

Price : Depend on mesh 60-80 or 80-100

Doloprima is a Magnesium Fertilizer have been making from Selected Dolomite Stone with....
[Jul. 14, 2011 8:52:08]

Price : Depend on P2O5 content needed

Phosganic is an Organic Phospate Fertilizer contain macro phospate essentiale nutrient....
NPK Multiferti
[Jun. 18, 2011 11:34:12]

Price : Tergantung jenis yang dipesan

NPK Multiferti fertilizer is a complete compound NPK fertilizer. We have three form, ....
Pupuk Rock Phospate dan Dolomit
[May. 13, 2011 2:24:30]

Price : Tergantung pesanan

Rock Phospate is a nature mineral fertilizer. It can used increasing soil P2O5 without....
Pupuk Majemuk Kimia
[Mar. 30, 2011 2:55:53]

Price : tergantung komposisi yang diorder

We are producing chemistry compound fertilizer like NPK, for pereneal or annual crops. So....
[Mar. 21, 2011 1:52:19]

Price : Rp. 70.000,-/btl

Neutro is an innovative new Biotechnology product, obtained after 4 years of intensive....
Mineral Zeolite
[Feb. 26, 2011 1:06:19]

Price : tergantung jenis yang dipesan

Zeolite is an unique mineral, because it can increase to prepare nutrition element soil....
Zoo-Mass Cair,  Pupuk Cair Organik Lengkap
[Feb. 6, 2011 0:35:45]

Price : Rp. 40.000,-/botol

Liquid Zoo-Mass, is a liquid organic fertilizer that proceed from biology-enzymatic. This....
[Jan. 19, 2011 3:31:25]

Price : Rp. 25.000,-/btl

BioSan is semi organic liquid fertilizer. Made from macro and micro elements with....
Pembeku Karet " INDO TANI"
[Jan. 17, 2011 10:29:24]

Price : Rp. 4.250,-/kg franco Pelabuhan Tj. Perak Surabaya

Indo Tani is a Rubber Coagulate. Made from unique formula, and can coagulating rubber....
Pupuk Majemuk
[Jan. 5, 2011 21:11:43]

Price : Sesuai Komposisi yang diminta

This is our Main Product. We are beginning our factory since 1990.
And we delivery to....
showing 1-15 of 15
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