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    Quartz emitter

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    Specification :

    1. Fast Response
    2.Rapid heat-up
    3.Rapid cool down
    4.Ideal for fast cycling machines
    5.Highly reflective aluminized internal surface
    6.High radiant efficiency
    7.Low convection losses
    8.Five Standard Sizes: 122 x 62 x 25mm, 122 x 120 x 25mm, 248 x 62 x 25mm, 248 x 120 x 25mm,306 x 306 x 25mm
    9.Large choice of power ratings available
    10. Volts: Heater can be manufactured to suit most supply voltages.
    Quartz emitters provide medium wavelength radiation and can be the most preferred source of heat when rapid heater response is needed. The heaters are comprised of a series of quartz tubes running parallel to each other within a highly reflective aluminized steel housing. Each tube contains a coiled resistance wire available in a variety of wattages and voltages. Watt densities up to 30 w/sq. inch (4.65 w/sq. cm) are available. The large variety of sizes, shapes, and watt densities allows quartz emitters to be highly useful in zoning arrangements such as plastic thermoforming sheet-fed applications where complex heating patterns are needed, high-speed roll-fed processes, and machines requiring precise zone control because they are small in size, and can easily be put in larger panesl.

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