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  • “Nutmeg” (“Muskatnaya”) special vodka 40%

    ⠀ œ Nutmeg⠀  ( ⠀ ....


    ⠀ œ Nutmeg⠀  ( ⠀ œ Muskatnaya⠀  ) special vodka 40% is a constant leader of sales among products of this segment. Nice taste of natural nutmeg, high quality alcohol ⠀ œ Luxe⠀  , and....

  • “Rye Luga-Nova” (“Zhitnya”) liquor 40%

    ⠀ œ Rye Luga-Nova⠀  ....


    ⠀ œ Rye Luga-Nova⠀  ( ⠀ œ Zhitnya Luga-Nova⠀  ) liquor 40% . Rye rusks give this liquor the aroma of just-baked bread, and dog-rose hips add a very smooth taste. Components: alcohol ....

  • “Ukrainian with Pepper” liquor 40%

    ⠀ œ Ukrainian with....


    ⠀ œ Ukrainian with Pepper⠀  liquor 40% is liked by those who need more than classic vodka of 40 proof for complete sensation. Strong pepper taste does not allow mixing this vodka....

  • "Luga-Nova Honey on Cognac" liquor 40%.

    " Luga-Nova Honey on....


    " Luga-Nova Honey on Cognac" liquor 40% . Uniqueness and refinement of this drink are provided by dog-rose hips, honey, and cognac. They give this liquor delicate aroma and soft....

  • “Centenarian oak” special vodka 40%

    ⠀ œ Centenarian oak⠀ ....


    ⠀ œ Centenarian oak⠀  special vodka 40% . Oak bark added to the formula of the aromatic alcohol enhances the value and thus the competitiveness of this product. Components: alcohol....

  • “Luga-Nova Ginseng” special vodka 40%

    ⠀ œ Luga-Nova Ginseng....


    ⠀ œ Luga-Nova Ginseng⠀  special vodka 40% is made of natural ginseng root according to the perennial traditions. It has delectable flavor and incomparable aroma. Components: ....

  • “Starka” liquor 43%

    ⠀ œ Starka⠀  liquor....


    ⠀ œ Starka⠀  liquor 43% . First the brew from alcohol ⠀ œ Luxe⠀  , ⠀ œ Bera⠀  pear tree leaves and ⠀ œ Rosmarine⠀  apple tree leaves is prepared, then it is mixed with pure water, ....

  • "Luga-Nova" vodka

    " Luga-Nova" vodka


    ⠀ œ Luga-Nova⠀  vodka 40% embodies the best traditions of vodka production. To water purified by the unique method with the help of resin the alcohol ⠀ œ Luxe⠀  is added, and then....

  • "Royal" ("Czarist") vodka

    " Royal" ( " Czarist" ) ....


    ⠀ œ Royal⠀  ( ⠀ œ Czarist⠀  ) special vodka 40% reminds of a legendary czar Peter I who liked vodka and contributed to its production in Russian Empire. Components: rectified....

  • "White Queen" vodka

    " White Queen" vodka


    ⠀ œ White Queen⠀  vodka 40% is the leader of the products of TM ⠀ œ Luga-Nova⠀  . The best Ukrainian alcohols are used in its production based on classic technology and unique....

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