Pupuk ( 60 Pack) Gramafix® Tanaman Hias Bunga ( Tahiba)
Ornamental plants with flowers as the main object would require the composition of Gramafix® fertilizers with Potassium ( K2O ) dominant to Phosphorous ( P2O5 ) ; However, equivalent to the content of nitrogen ( N ) plus Mg, S and Ca as well as TE ( Micro Element ) . This composition to those in Gramafix® Ornamental Flower Plants ( 17-8-17 - 3-7-3+ 1 ) . Manure nutrient composition Gramafix® Ornamental Flower Plants has specially formulated based on nutrient needs of various ornamental Flower plants such as Rose flower, jasmine, African violets and violltjes , etc. By completeness of nutrients they contain include primary macro element ( NPK ) , secondary macro nutrients ( Mg , S , Ca ) and micro ( Fe , Zn , B , Cl , Bo , Mo ) , Gramafix® fertilizer Ornamental Flower Plants shaped tablets presented three ( 3) sizes gram . This formula has been registered in the Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia No: T903/ BSP/ II/ 2003 + + )