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Priority Member Indomonster Priority 14th Year
Registration Date: Sep. 8, 2011 - Last Updated: Oct. 19, 2011
Business Nature : Trade, Service of Consumer Electronics category

Company Contact

Name:Mrs. Linanta [Owner/Entrepreneur]
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mrs. Linanta at Jakarta Pusat
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. Linanta at Jakarta Pusat
Fax Number:Fax number of Mrs. Linanta at Jakarta Pusat
Address:Jl. Kramat Raya 101 Plaza Kenari Mas Lt F2 No. 158 / 166
Jakarta Pusat 10440, Jakarta
Y!: linajayacomputer 
  • Untuk sementara dapat melihat website cctv camera...khusus komputer, website masih underconstruction. Semua product yang kami tawarkan semuanya original dan tidak ada yang KW. begitupun paket Komputer yang kami tawarkan, gunakanlah Windows original

Company Brief

Business or shop that we run, covers all the needs of IT, especially computer equipment and all types of accesoriesnya.
We stood since 2002 in Central Jakarta. until now. We thank God bless the rapidly growing business. thanks to persistence, hard work, learning, honesty, faith and do ' a.
of the effort we' ve established PT and CV. with the name Pt. And Komala Jaya Sejahtera Cv. Karya Jaya Security engaged in the Retail, Service and Installation Services CCTV throughout Indonesia.

Consumers Lina Jaya Computer ' s that have long interacted to Store We, on behalf of Lina I: say a big thank you and to prospective new customers, please come first just to look around and ask just to know the price. But definitely we are not selling Product ILLEGAL and we can assure your satisfaction in terms of both prices and services ( including services)
AND FOR YOU, AROUND THE INDONESIA PLEASE ORDER FROM OUR. GOOD PRICE guaranteed AND SATISFACTORY aftersales. TO SEE OUR DIRECT PLEASE CLICK ( copy) : http: / / kjscctv, dyndns, org / ( username and password = admin. OR CLICK www, agencctv, com .... here can also see us in person / live. Please Contact by phone or Email us, just to know the price, you are not Getting stuck pRICE tO eXPENSIVE AND Bad QUALITY . Let Us Create your Free Information Sources.

Hopefully this bit of info can be added silahturahmi, trust and interaction in the buying and selling efforts on We ... ameen

Major Products / Services

  • Buyer : CCTV Camera dan Alarm System

    Toko Lina Jaya Computer berdiri tahun 2002, berawal membuka toko di komplek Atrium senen jakarta pusat. seiring berkembangnya usaha kami pada tahun 2007 kami mendirikan badan usaha Legal yaiitu Pt. Komala Jaya Sejahtera dan pada tahun 2010 kami mengembangkan sayap dengan membuka cabang di Bandar Lampung dengan Nama Cv. Karya Jaya Security, yg kesemua usaha legal tersebut bergerak di bidang alat-alat keamanan, khususnya cctv camera dan alarm system...
    semoga sekelumit info ini dapat menambah kepercayaan bapak dan ibu serta teman untuk berbelanja secara langsung maupun secara Online. thanks.

  • Seller : Komputer dan Accesories

    Kami menjual kebutuhan komputer untuk seluruh indonesia. dengan harga paling bersaing dan paling bertanggung jawab.

    Untuk membuktikan kata-kata kami tersebut silahkan kunjungi website specialist cctv camera di www, agencctv, com dan www, kjs-ss, com, disitu terdapat data yang dapat meykinkan usaha kami yang selama ini kami jalankan.

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