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Leonfibers is a business engaged in the craft fiberglass, various objects both small, medium and large we have created for consumers in se Antero archipelago and abroad.

we are ready memujudkan what the imagination, memories and home decor, garden up with souvenirs for a variety of purposes from fiberglass.

The usual stuff we made from fiber of which include:

~ Figure sculpture, animal sculpture, statues of gods, etc.

~ Souvenir for weddings and other events.

~ trophy

~ rides waterboom property

~ Decorations / ornaments inside and outside the home

~ Garden and pond design

~ And others.

the goods we can make in a variety of sizes to suit buyer desires.

for bookings can contact us at:

> Phone: 0274-7884563

> Pin bb: 26E2BC32

> Email: Leonfibers@

Leon fibers will always strive to provide comfort, accuracy, in service to the consumer and at the same time ready to provide a competitive price