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Mesin Pengolah Sampah/Kompos

Mesin Pengolah Sampah/KomposMencacah sampah/kompos dalam ukuran yang lebih kecil, sortir dan membuat dalm bentuk butiran
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Mesin Pengolah Sampah / Pencacah Sampah

Price : Rp. 12 juta

Function: the machine is in use to cut / destroy the waste ( organic waste markets or green leaves) into a smaller size so that it will facilitate the process of fermentation or....
Mesin Pengayak Kompos / Sampah

Price : Rp. 10Jt

Compost as a filter that has been destroyed in the shredder bin
Mesin Pupuk Granule/ Butiran

Price : Rp. 33 Jt

function: to make fertilizer granules

Diameter: 3000 mm
Mover: Diesel 8 pk
Mesin Pengering Granule

Price : Nego

function: dry fertilizer that has been in the form of granules