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Digital Audio Haji
PriceRp. 250.000
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Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
In the past decades, a method of memorizing most phrases (also known as 'DOA') for Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage is basically based on written materials such as books and kitab. This method applies almost in every training program concerning Hajj and Umrah, at home or anywhere else possible. For most candidates, memorizing from written materials can be as hard as trying to learn and speak another language, which probably take weeks or even months just to memorize a short DOA.

In this new millennium, electronic devices have become a common usage by most people in many different ways. Religiously, a new method of memorizing DOA has also been introduced. DIGITAL AUDIO HAJI " EL-HAJI " is one of the many invention that can be used mainly for the purpose of speeding up user's memorizing effort specially designed for Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage. This simplified MP3 type of voice-recorded playback unit can be used just by a single touch to the button in which the desired 'DOA' can be listened to. With a help of a flesh-memory type of Integrated Circuit, the unit can be repeatedly listened to from any topics at any time thus can help building up user's memory capability.

DIGITAL AUDIO HAJI can be operated just by applying AAA alkaline batteries (X2). With all accessories such as a pair of earphone, a neck strap for hanging the product and a pair of AAA batteries provided, the usage becomes conveniently easy and fast. el-Haji can also be listened to during a certain ibadah or pray at the correct place and time. This handphone-sized unit can be carried around and played once reaching all the important places of 'ibadah'. With one touch, a user can find a correct topic to phrase and 'DOA' thus creating the 'ibadah' itself into perfection.
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