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BengKeL Las Kusuma Jaya
BengKeL Las Kusuma Jaya

Products Catalog

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  • Tangga Putar

    Tangga Putar

    Rp 3.500.500

    Indonesian to English translation
    Country of origin: Indonesia


    IRON PIPE-4 "
    IRON PIPE-1 1 / 4 "
    IRON PIPE-1 "
    Plate-landing IRON-IRON ELBOW 4 X 4
    @ 3.500....

  • Tralis*


    from Rp 200,000 .- / m2

    Country of origin: Indonesia
    Payment: Cash / Transfer
    Quantity: / meter
    Material: - Main Frame screw Nako 10
    Elbow 1 inch
    - Anti-rust and shiny
    - Models and colors....

  • Balkon Motif*

    Balkon Motif*

    Rp. 750.000.00 per meter panjang

    Height: Standard, 90 cm
    Character: motive
    appropriate security standards and conform to the shape of your order

  • Balkon Besi Lengkung*

    Balkon Besi Lengkung....

    Rp. 575.000.00 per meter panjang

    Height: Standard, 90 cm
    Character: minima curve
    appropriate security standards

    * ) Product prices adjust to market conditions

  • Balkon Besi*

    Balkon Besi*

    Rp. 400.000,00 per meter panjang

    Height: Standard, 90 cm
    Character: ordinal minima
    appropriate security standards
    Jakarta and surrounding areas : 08174883775 ( mobile)
    Yogyakarta or Kudus: ....

  • Canopy Motif*

    Canopy Motif*


    motives of characters according to your taste,
    Can adjust to your order for a particular motive.
    Phone: + 6281-74-883-775 ( mobile) or 021-99981751 ( office)

    Jl. Raya....

  • Pagar Besi Motif*

    Pagar Besi Motif*

    Rp.600.000,00 per satuan meter

    Material: Wrought Iron
    Frame: Pipe / Hollow
    Distances and motifs varied according to the criteria of your order

    Quality materials according to orders, HONEST, ....

  • Canopy Lengkung*

    Canopy Lengkung*

    Rp. 440.000,00

    Character: minima curve
    Can adjust to your order for a particular motive.

    Call: 08174883775 ( mobile) or 021-99981715 ( office)
    * ) Prices adjust to market conditions

  • Canopy Minimalis*

    Canopy Minimalis*

    Rp. 300.000

    Tunjukkan huruf latin
    Character: ordinal minima
    Can adjust to your order for a particular motive.

    Call: 08174883775 ( mobile) or 021-99981715 ( office)
    * ) Prices adjust to....

  • Pagar Besi Semi Minimalis*

    Pagar Besi Semi....

    Rp. 450.000,00 per meter satuan luas

    Material: Solid Iron Diameter 12 mm
    Frame: Pipe / Hollow
    Character: minima in a semi-ordinal
    The distance between the ribs 9 cm

    Can adjust to your order for a particular....

  • Pagar Besi Minimalis*

    Pagar Besi Minimalis....

    Rp. 325.000,00 per meter satuan luas

    Material: Solid Iron Diameter 10 mm
    Frame: Pipe / Hollow
    Character: ordinal minima
    7 cm distance between the ribs

    Can adjust to your order for a particular motive.

    Call: ....

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