ETAMATIC ( LAMTEC) - BURNER CONTROL[Jan. 24, 2012 20:09:15]
Compact electronic fuel/ air compound regulation with an integral burner controller. The ETAMATIC was specially developed to control all the processes and functions of monoblock burners. Designed for mounting on the burner, it combines in one compact housing all the functions necessary for burner control. An overview of all the functions can be found under ETAMATIC
in details:
- Fuel/ air compound control with 4 servo outputs
- Burner controller
- Leakage monitor
- Flame monitoring ( optional)
- Output regulator
- Operating hours and start-up counter
- A constant servo output for revolution speed regulation of the
- Combustion air blower incl. rev. speed measurement ( ETAMATIC S)
- O regulation
- Field-bus link ( optional)
Thus, apart from the output section, no additional components are needed at the burner. The ETAMATIC also has an RS232 interface for visualisation and remote control from a PC. With the Windows-based program it is possible to represent curves graphically and to save all the parameters. In addition, the ETAMATIC has a LAMTEC system bus interface for linking up to the LT 1 / LT 2 Lambda transmitters, used to measure O2 content in flue gas and to optimise combustion. The ETAMATIC / ETAMATIC S are designed for continuous operation in accordance with TRD-604-72h.
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