Specification :
It is powder made of various cereals roasted and grinded.
This is 100% organic Korean traditional food.
Has high amount of dietary fiber, minerals and vitamin with low calories.
Good for diet.
Rich fiber is also good for bowel movement.
One cup of misutgaru is enough for breakfast and just 200kcal even with milk.
Nutrients in 100gram
Glutinous rice ( 17% ) , brown rice ( 17% ) , corn ( 16% ) plant barley ( 16% )
black rice( 9% ) , Non-glutinous rice ( 9 % ) , sorghum ( 8.5% ) , soybean white( 7% )
Nutrituve components
Calories 395.5 Kcal, Carbohydrate 81.5% , Crude fat 4.1% , Crude protein 11.7% , Dietary fiber 7.1% ( 7.4gram) , Fructose 0.1% , Sucrose 0.8% ,
Niacin 5.00 mg, Na 2.00 mg, Vitamin B1 0.15mg, Vitamin B2 0.08mg, Vitamin B6 0.56mg, Vitamin E 0.60mg, Zn 2.63mg, Folate 50.00Ug, Phosphorous 278mg
Ferrous 3.2mg, K 184mg, Ca 69mg
* * You can enjoy misutgaru simply mixing with water or milk.