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Koperasi Tanikuno

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Koperasi Tanikuno
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Company Contact
Name:Mr. Prima Saptya [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Windows Live: prima.saptya@hotmail.com prima.saptya@hotmail.com
Google Talk:  primzka  primzka
Y!: primrich 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Prima Saptya at Subang
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Prima Saptya at Subang
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Prima Saptya at Subang
Address:Jl Montana IV No 17 Ciater Highland Resort
Subang 41281, Jawa Barat
primzka@ gmail.com
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Dec. 2, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Agriculture category

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Company Brief

Glance History of cooperatives.
Ciater areas - Subang and Lembang - Bandung is located in the area of agronomy Central Province of West Java, since the first area is famous for its agricultural crops and vegetables, especially high quality. Ciater - Subang diketinggian located 500-1000 m above sea level, is ideal for growing vegetables and horticulture.
From these circumstances it Tanikuno Cooperative was created as a cooperative of small farmers who nurture a group of organic-based, cooperative Tanikuno look at it as a great business opportunity to be involved in the agribusiness world, therefore Tanikuno Cooperative officially established on July 5, 2007 which was pioneered by Mr. Sunandi Kertawijaya as a supervisor and was led by Mr.. Drs Kosasih Daudsyah as chairman of the cooperative.
Tanikuno is a cooperative that is engaged in various business sectors including Farming & Livestock, Savings and Loans, Trade and Services. Cooperative Tanikuno have Business Unit which is managed by the expertise that already have experience in the field, so that Tanikuno Cooperative Business Unit not only able to grow and grow and make profit, but also able to improve the economic welfare of its members so that the Cooperative Tanikuno appointed as sole supplier by PT . Royalsun fruit ( Marketing of fruits and organic vegetables) . From these circumstances and see the potential that exists around, then the cooperative tanikuno want more advanced and more focus on agribusiness by developing the available potential. as we all know that the potential market for Indonesian local fruits are still very large fruits especially papaya, and of course we were invited to be working together in joint ventures.

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