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  • Mesin Perajang daun Teh

    Mesin Perajang daun....

    chopper machine serves tea leaves for chopping fresh tea leaves before drying.

  • Mesin Penutup Botol

    Mesin Penutup Botol

    This machine serves to close the bottle model, available to cover the plastic bottles and metal caps ( kempyeng)

  • mesin pemecah kemiri

    mesin pemecah kemiri

    hazelnut-breaking works to break down the skin hazelnuts, until ready for market.

  • mesin pencacah rumput ( Choper)

    mesin pencacah....

    the enumerator machine grass, serves to destroy the grass before it is processed into compost

  • mesin granulator

    mesin granulator

    granulator machine is made granules ( granules) round.
    Granulator machine is able to create a granular organic fertilizer granule and granule fertilizer phosphate

  • mesin cetak mie ( nodlle maker)

    mesin cetak mie ( ....

    noodle making machine with electricity, with two thinning the function and scored the dough

  • oven pengering electric

    oven pengering....

    multipurpose drying oven, use an electric heater, extremely suitable for use during the rainy season.

  • Dispenser minuman coklat ( hot chocolate dispenser)

    Dispenser minuman....

    Dispenser is designed specifically for chocolate drinks to keep warm, with a capacity of 3 liters and 1200 watts of electrical power

  • mesin abon ikan

    mesin abon ikan

    Processing Machinery shredded fish consists of three machines ie machines fish counter, engine oil pan and engine peniris. machines are also sold separately

  • mesin gula kapas ( cotton candy machine)

    mesin gula kapas ( ....

    This machine serves to process sugar into a food called sugar cotton. machine can be operated with 950 watts of electricity, gas or electricity when operated with only 80 watts

  • supermarket Display Refrigerant

    supermarket Display....

    Cabinets to store and cool drinks, with a temperature of 2 ~ 8 degrees celsius, fitted interior lights, double layer glass door, shelves can be adjusted, provided various capacity....

  • Mesin pembuat es batu kecil-kecil ( ice cube machine)

    Mesin pembuat es....

    ice machine cube-shaped stone with a small size ( 2x2x2cm) , is a variety of capacity and electric power. very suitable for restaurants, cafes, laboratories, etc.

  • mesin paket pengolahan potong ayam

    mesin paket....

    packet processing engine consists of several pieces of chicken, among others Bleding Cone machines, Scalder ( broiler chickens) , Plucer ( Deadly Chicken Feathers) , Body Wash, ....

  • Mesin Pengemas vakum ( Vacuum Sealer)

    Mesin Pengemas vakum....

    This machine serves to wrap the product with air-tight state, suitable for frozen products such as meatballs, nuggets, sausages etc.

  • Dispenser minuman dingin ( juice dispenser)

    Dispenser minuman....

    This dispenser serves to store and cool a variety of drinks, available in 1, 2 to 3 tubes. tubes with a capacity of 12 liters

  • Lemari pembeku daging ( chest freezer -28)

    Lemari pembeku....

    meat and fish freezer with temperatures up to -28 degrees celsius, available in various capacities and sizes

  • mesin es puter ( hard ice cream)

    mesin es puter ( ....

    machine hard ice cream with 800 watts of electrical power, capacity of 8 liters / hour

  • Display Cooler

    Display Cooler

    Cabinets to store and cool drinks, with a temperature of 2 ~ 8 degrees celsius, fitted interior lights, double layer glass door, shelves can be adjusted, provided various capacity....

  • Mixer Adonan roti dan mie Horizontal ( Horizontal Dough Mixer)

    Mixer Adonan roti....

    Horizontal mixer is a machine mixer for noodle dough, , pastel leather, with a low speed 40 speed / rpm, the available capacity of 12 kg, 23 kg, 45 kg, with electrical power 750, ....

  • Mixer Spiral Adonan Roti ( Spiral dough mixer)

    Mixer Spiral Adonan....

    machine spiral dough mixer making machine is thick, spiral beater and bowl rotating counterclockwise so as to produce a uniform dough and soft, suitable for bread-making business

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