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Mr. Yogi Akbar Sunardiansyah, S.Ab [Marketing]


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Phone number of Mr. Yogi Akbar Sunardiansyah, S.Ab at Tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara

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Mobile number of Mr. Yogi Akbar Sunardiansyah, S.Ab at Tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara

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Fax number of Mr. Yogi Akbar Sunardiansyah, S.Ab at Tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara


Jl. Imam Bonjol No 20 RSU Parikesit
Tenggarong Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur

PT Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana, Jl. Pungkur No 115 Bandung, T. Kontak + 62-811208648 - 81572527115
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Rotary Klin Biophosko® RKM-1000L[Oct. 23, 2010 13:34:18]
PriceRp 15.000.000,- (FOB Bandung)
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)
QuantityPer 1 Unit Complete Knock Down (CKD)
Pack. & DeliveryWood Palette
Rotary Klin Biophosko® RKM-1000L with the Dimensions ( height= 190 cm, width= 155 cm, weight= 850 Kg and length= 290 cm) made of metal and fiber resin and others aeration tools. Rotary Klin is a perfect solution to overcome communal trash problem at the city that dominated by organic trash such as traditional market trash, restaurant, hotel, and also domestic' s trash that comes from households within one RW ( administrative unit at the next-to-lowest level in city, consisting of several RTs) or even a few RWs or public residence/ estate.

Organic garbage categories ( degradationable) including food remnants, papper, residu of fish bone, fruit peel, pieces of vegetables, etc) . Convert organic trashes into something usefull- which is compost- that' ll usefull to maintenance the fertile of the soil and as nutrient supllier to the plants around the environments like the public' s resident, hotel, restaurant, public' s environment, etc. Compost can also sells commercially to farmers, garden owners, to everyone who has hobbies in plantation, florist, and gardening.
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